Title: Through Time And Space: Chapter 26 - Cake And Celebrations
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack, OCs, Alonso Frame.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4370
Spoilers: CoE, House of the Dead, Miracle Day
Summary: It’s been a long journey, but Auber and the other Tallans are finally home. That calls for a celebration or two, and what’s a celebration without
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Comments 18
I suspected that Jack wants to marry whenever possible !!
He knows all he has lost his fear and the 456 and look miraculously. He did not intend to make that mistake again.
It ends with a great party and a future full of surprises and adventures together! the better.
Thank you!!
Jack, now that he has his Ianto back, will want as many marriages as possible, so that everyone everywhere will know Ianto is his!
Parties are good, and everyone is happy. That seemed like the perfect note to end on.
Thank you!
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I'm hoping to write more in this 'verse when time allows, Jack and Ianto have a lot of adventures ahead of them, I'm sure!
All good things have to end. I'm glad you liked the last chapter, I wanted to give them a good send of as they begin their life together.
The boys - and their TARDIS - deserve to be happy.
I loved this!
Yes, I am planning to write their meeting with the Doctor, though that probably won't be the next story written in this 'verse because I'd like Ianto and his sister to get their reunion first. Of course, it will all depend on which idea hijacks my brain first...
Meantime, I have other fics I need to finish and I'm signed up for torchwood_fest's December Fest, so I need to write my fic for that. Possibly more than one if I have time.
Glad you enjoyed my epic fic!
Thank you!
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