Sometimes I think medical professionals just forget they are dealing with human beings who are afraid and in pain. We're not just social security number. :(. I hope your appointment will go well and your results are okay. *hugs*
This is so true. My rheumatologist has a big sign that says no one should have to be in pain, but then refuses to prescribe anything that might work, and we are left with over-the-counter things that don't. Excuse me?
That's appalling. :( I'm currently suffering from calcaneal spur. It's very painful and I have great difficulty walking. All they prescribed to me was orthopaedic soles and to wait until december to see if it has any positive effect. Great! And in the meantime, what do I do? I grit my teeth and pretend everything is just perfect. After three months, if it doesn't work, we could contemplate physiotherapy. Why only after three months?
Thank you. *hugs back* I hope all my coming appointments go well and that whatever is causing the problems is easily and painlessly fixable.
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