Title: Ianto Puts His Foot Down
badly_knitted Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Challenge: For challenge 251 - Prehistoric creatures on
tw100 Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood.
A/N: This was going to be a short fic, but it wasn’t going anywhere. Then I saw this week’s challenge on
tw100 and voila, my first ever drabble. Not great, but I never thought I’d manage to write anything in 100 words!
“We can’t keep it, Jack.”
“But why not? We kept Myfanwy!”
“Myfanwy mostly keeps to the top of the Hub, there’s plenty of space up there and it’s not like anybody else uses it, so she’s never in the way.”
“We kept Nosy!”
“Nosy’s smart, it keeps out from under our feet and it’s learned what not to touch.”
“We kept Velvet!”
“Velvet’s tiny and easy to care for.”
“But it’s cute!”
“I’m not disputing that. Though come to think of it, I could…”
“Well why can’t we keep it?”
“We have nowhere to put a full grown bloody Stegosaurus!”