Drabble: Masked Bandit

Jun 19, 2015 20:22

Title: Masked Bandit

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Ianto, Owen, Janet.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 348: Weevil at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Janet is causing unexpected problems.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Another one where I’m posting an extended version as well as the 100-word drabble.

Masked Bandit... )

janet weevil, fic, owen harper, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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clarahow June 20 2015, 04:46:42 UTC
Oh, Janet. How very...Torchwood of you.

Cute :)


badly_knitted June 20 2015, 11:07:15 UTC
All of Torchwood are fuelled by Ianto's coffee ;)

Thank you!


clarahow June 20 2015, 19:55:25 UTC
Indeed we they are! <3


badly_knitted June 20 2015, 21:46:44 UTC
Considering the hours they often have top work, they need something to keep them going.

Oh, I wish I had access to Ianto's coffee!


clarahow June 21 2015, 07:37:22 UTC
Ugh, you're tellin' me!!! *I type as I'm literally only awake because I'm a bonafide insomniac woohoo*


badly_knitted June 21 2015, 10:50:18 UTC
I stay up later than I probably should some nights, but now that there's only me I can do as I please. At least in summer I can stay in bed as late as I want. I live in hope that one day I might catch up on sleep.


clarahow June 22 2015, 02:45:22 UTC
I'm not totally on my own but my parents have basically given up on establishing any routine bedtime for my siblings and I (all three twentyish+) lol. I just have so much trouble sleeping! It's really quite absurd. This morning I even wrote an inappropriate haiku about not happy I am with this situation.


badly_knitted June 22 2015, 11:18:19 UTC
I never left home. It was just mum and me for the last 30+ years, until she passed away 4 months ago. Now there's only me. I always sleep badly because of health problems, I fall asleep easily, but wake up so often I probably only get 5 or 6 hours sleep on a good night, in bits. Most nights I wake up every hour or so. It's not as bad now I'm not responsible for looking after mum, I can nap during the day if I need to, but I'm permanently tired and there's so much sorting out that needs doing. It never ends.


clarahow June 23 2015, 01:16:55 UTC
Oh, that's the worst way to be alone, I'm so terribly sorry dear. I lost my mum years ago (in an obviously very different situation, as I was twelve) and I know it's quite hard, and I can't imagine taking care of her was at all easy either. Bless you for doing so :) That final conundrum, though, I do share! I'm always tired and whatever I do will be a catch-22 on how much it helps and it's really just a lot of 'ugh'.


badly_knitted June 23 2015, 11:34:36 UTC
Being a carer is tough, even more so since I'm not in good health myself and I don't have the carer gene. It was stressful, frustrating for both of us, and completely draining, I felt more like the servant than her daughter. Mum was always independent, wanted to do things for herself, but after the stroke her memory was unpredictable, she kept forgetting how to do things and I had to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. I just couldn't relax at all. Even so, I wish she was still here.

Not getting enough sleep makes everything more difficult =(


clarahow June 23 2015, 15:51:26 UTC
I'm sorry you had to deal with that. My uncle is/was my maternal grandmother's carer and he's not really cut out for that...I only had to deal with it some, after she really started losing her faculties. Last time I saw her she was surprisingly independent, although that might just be an impression because tbh she's always been a little mental, and even after she got to the point where she really wasn't physically able to do things, she'd be so insistent that she was, down to just going and doing the things. One time, she 'went for a walk around the neighbourhood' which involved her walking alongside one of the highways in the area (which is quite close to where my uncle lives) totally convinced she was in Detroit - they live in Jacksonville FL ( ... )


badly_knitted June 23 2015, 17:38:54 UTC
Yeah, and I'm so sorry you're uncle has cut himself off from everyone. All you can really do is keep leaving messages in the hope that he'll eventually reach out to family again ( ... )


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