Title: Through Time And Space: Chapter 9 - Crossed Wires
badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, OFC, OMC, Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2746
Spoilers: CoE, House of the Dead
Summary: Ianto finds more obstacles thrown in his path as what at first seemed like the fairly straightforward task of catching up with Jack is beset by one minor disaster after another.
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Comments 14
just. No.
So close & yet.
Oh, Jack, you have no idea what you just did. :(
what heartbreaking chapter.
It will be ok in the end though, right?
wasn't he going to use the name Desmond Llewellyn?!?!
Yes, it will be okay in the end, Ianto just needs to have a few adventures to boost his confidence out in space first and Jack needs to pick himself up and start putting himself together so Ianto doesn't have to do ALL the work. They'll both be stronger in the long run.
Yes, he is, but that's in a later chapter, which is written. Des is an alias he uses around the less respectable people he comes across in his search for Jack.
Thank you!
great chapter.
Thank you!
The main problem is that it's NOT planned out, I take inspiration from the prompts, so it's taken some unexpected twists and turns, but I like the way the story is developing and I hope that when you do get to read it, you'll enjoy it!
I'd better get writing, just can't seem to find the end of this chapter, dammit!
Have to admit though, I'm enjoying Ianto tremendously in this chapter. *grins* He's so much fun to write!
Thank you!
Thank you!
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