Rabbit Update - The Sequel

Aug 02, 2012 18:08

So, new update. I just spoke to vetinary nurse Rhiannon, and Misty is out of surgery and awake. They're coaxing him to nibble some food and things are looking reasonably good. He's staying there another night so they can keep a close eye on him, just to be on the safe side, but I'm to phone at 9am tomorrow and hopefully he'll be well enough to come ( Read more... )

pets, real life

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debmommy22 August 3 2012, 07:58:59 UTC
Sounds like my cat, Neo, well usually. Right now he is a bit thin being a very hot July and August + he lost a bunch when we were on vacation that week in June. Our cats were fed by Michael's brother, but I think they missed us. I am afraid to ever leave them too long. Cats hate change and I think they got depressed. Petey started sleeping up closer to us in the bed once we came home. I worry about him more because he only has 3 legs and even though he acts like he is "top dog...I mean cat!" so to speak, I think he is more needy than Neo. Oh, Neo always fattens up in the winter time and even though he is a short haired cat, his stomach and fur sticks out and he waddles when he walks. I call him my little fat boy. lol! :D He doesn't really get that fat,...and like your rabbit, he is just a "Big" guy, and mine has short legs and is so is adorable to me like I am sure your rabbit is to you. Did that make sense? lol!

I took a pain pill tonight. Can you tell? lol!
I'm itchy, but happy!....oh dear...! Being out of pain after weeks of nothing but Lidocane numbing gel is just Heaven! Shame the pill has to wear off. I go to the pain clinc on Tuesday next week. I found out you can use Lidocane too much. I have tried to refill one too many times and now I can't buy any until the 11th of Aug. for the insurance to pay. I read that if you use it too much on large areas it "could" cause heart attacks or seizures. How weird. It is topical, but it still can go into the blood stream. So when I get it again, I am going to have to make sure I use as little as possible which is difficult with my problem.

Love, me*


badly_knitted August 3 2012, 09:14:15 UTC
I think anything you rub on the skin can go into the blood stream, so it's always best not to use too much. Plus, where you're applying the Lidocaine, that area the skin is very thin and blood vessels are close to the surface so you're wise to be cautious. *hugs*


debmommy22 August 4 2012, 20:55:11 UTC
Yeah, you're right. I think I over did it abit. I sure don't want to cause myself further damage and pain! I still am having trouble with the pain pills. Since I seem to still have mild hive breakouts, the Oxycodone makes it worse or I'm kind of allergic to it now too. I broke down that night, I guess I told you, and took 2 pills to get through the night and broke out a little. I went the whole day yesterday without taking one until bedtime, but I got upset again about something and I had taken the pain pill so I woke-up with most of my back and stomach and chest coverered in semi-itchy welts. The heat from laying on my back under the covers made it worse. My back felt so hot and irratated again. Great! Seems I can only risk a pain pill every now and then when I just can't take it or I have to wake up in welt-pain. We go to the pain clinic Tues. I have no idea if they can help. Worth a try I guess. I seem to be allergic to everything. I think I can use the Lidocane; I will just have to not use it more than once a day or less if I can handle the pain. This sucks! :P I was using the Lidocane a lot to get through my periods, now I don't know how I will live through it. I won't know anything unitl I talk to the pain clinic people.


badly_knitted August 4 2012, 21:02:15 UTC
Ouch! Good luck at the pain clinic, I really hope they can help! *hugs carefully*


debmommy22 August 5 2012, 06:41:19 UTC
Thank you sweet girl! :D


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