Rabbit Update - The Sequel

Aug 02, 2012 18:08

So, new update. I just spoke to vetinary nurse Rhiannon, and Misty is out of surgery and awake. They're coaxing him to nibble some food and things are looking reasonably good. He's staying there another night so they can keep a close eye on him, just to be on the safe side, but I'm to phone at 9am tomorrow and hopefully he'll be well enough to come ( Read more... )

pets, real life

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too_beauty August 2 2012, 17:27:05 UTC
knew he could do it!!!! my four four-legged-friends here in BA send him hugs!


badly_knitted August 2 2012, 18:24:58 UTC
All hugs gratefully received, I'll pass them on to Misty tomorrow, even though it means I will be smothered in white fluff - again! How can he lose so much fluff and still be so fluffy?


debmommy22 August 3 2012, 06:54:36 UTC
Is it normal "fluff" loss? lol! My cat, Neo, loses tons of fur at the vet's office. It just falls off without touching him. It happens to him because he is so scared. It never falls out that fast any other time. He HATES going to the vet! He meows the most awful wailing sounds while we are driving him there. lol! Poor little guy.


badly_knitted August 3 2012, 09:10:14 UTC
Yeah, normal summer fluff loss - he's moulting, losing his winter coat, which is daft because he always waits until July and in recent years our hottest weather has been and gone in May!


debmommy22 August 5 2012, 06:36:54 UTC
Did you mean he is losing his "summer" coat? Isn't it about to be winter where you are too or is it? We live so far away and I don't know if you are in summer or winter. *facepalm*

My husband and I both tried to figure out what you wrote and it didn't make sense to either of us. lol! Hope you don't mind that I let him read that one little post. I was just so confused. I thought maybe it would make sense to him. lol! We're crazy! :)


badly_knitted August 5 2012, 09:53:36 UTC
It's summer here right now, so it's his winter coat he's losing. As I said - daft. He's always late to shed it and by the time it's gone he'll have to grow it again. Daft rabbit! August is the height of our summer, but the last few years the hottest weather has been in May. Weather is all over the place =(


debmommy22 August 7 2012, 04:04:01 UTC
Oh! *Slaps self in Forehead* I understand! Yes, he is a daft thing! I must use that word "daft" somehow. I think that is another British word? I heard it used in the movie "Nodding Hill" (one of my favorite movies) when Spike called (Huge Grant's character) a "daft prick!" lol! oops! sorry....it was just so funny!...he called him that for not taking (Julia Roberts') character back when she came to apologize for how badly she had ended things between them again. The goofy looking guy that played Spike just cracked me up! He was so awful at times, but in the end he got it! He knew what true love was and how important it was even though he seemed so crasp and ridiculous at times....I think I really digressed that time......

Yes that is unusual, your weather I mean, ours is usually hottest in July and August too. May sometimes is still rather nice here anyway.


badly_knitted August 7 2012, 14:37:59 UTC
British weather has just gone wonky the past few years, I've given up trying to figure out what to expect. Today was supposed to be sunny and dry, but I got rained on.

I've never watched Notting Hill - I guess partly because it's a romance set in London. I'm not big on romantic movies really. Don't know if 'daft' is a British word, could be I guess. It's a good one anyway! Probably not used enough. It's a word I can imagine Ianto using, maybe calling Jack a daft sod, lol!


debmommy22 August 8 2012, 04:35:26 UTC
"Daft" may not be strictly a British word, I know this because I forgot the name of my favorite movie was "Notting Hill" not "Nodding" Hill! LOL! *dies of embarrassment*! I AM an idoit sometimes! lol! I guess it was just the way the guy said it that made me laugh with the British accent. I wish I knew how your voice sounded. I bet it is pretty. I know you don't live in London, I forgot again, though if you remember I kept notes! lol! I actually have a folder with the emails or links to the posts where you told me where you lived. I need to find out again and see where you are on a map. It is driving me crazy tonight! All I can remember right now is that you said you lived near (I think?)...a forest, Shirewood (spelling)..like in Robin Hood. I hope I am anywhere near right on that one! Yes I am in a weird mood right now. I am in pain, but strangely not depressed at this moment which is always amazing. For me to feel good emotionally anytime is always a blessing from God ( ... )


badly_knitted August 8 2012, 09:31:59 UTC
No, I'm not from London but my parents both are (or were, since dad died). They moved up to the Midlands after they married, but the never lost their accents - not Cockney accents or anything like that, just middle-class London. Growing up with them, I never got a local accent, though my sister did a bit. I got made fun of at school for how I talk ( ... )


debmommy22 August 15 2012, 05:23:04 UTC
Another old post...I'll catch up someday! Sorry, it got long ( ... )


badly_knitted August 15 2012, 09:55:37 UTC
Glad you had such a great friend growing up - hopefully once you get the vulvodynia under control, you can get in toch with her and catch up!

Oh, I know, Mel Gibson is gorgeous! I've adored Bruce Willis since he was in the Moonlighting series with Cybill Shepherd - I loved that series. I've got season 1 on DVD now, still got to get the rest. It still makes me laugh!

Also love Jack Nicholson - One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is the only film I've been to see twice at the cinema - once with my then boyfriend Alan, just before my 18th birthday, and once with my friend Julie, just after we both turned 18. I have it on DVD, it's a brilliant movie but heartbreaking and scary too.

I've never seen Shattered I don't think, unless it goes under a different title here. Actually, it might do if it's by the guy who wrote The Sixth ense, but I can't remember the title, which is silly... Oh, I think it's called Unbreakable, if that's the same one then it's totally brilliant!


debmommy22 August 16 2012, 04:14:03 UTC
I'm STUpid!!!! I knew that didn't sound right! Yes, "Unbreakable" is the Bruce Willis movie I loved. Where is my brain?! ...and that's it! The Sixth Sense! I really love it too!

love deb*hiding her face*


badly_knitted August 16 2012, 10:26:41 UTC
I won a boxed set of three movies - Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense and the one with Mel Gibson and aliens in a cornfield (Can't remember the title) in a masgazine competition years ago. The competion was, you had to give a witty explanation for crop circles - I said they were made by fairies trying to update their image, and I won! I was so pleased! They're three really great movies. I don't often win things, and I'm usually useless at those slogan-type competitions, but the magazine people thought it was funny so I got the prize =) that was so long ago though. Can't remember the last competition I entered.


debmommy22 August 22 2012, 04:09:53 UTC
Very old post.

That is hysterical! You won! You're very creative. lol! Yes I love that Mel Gibson movie about the crop circles. I have that on DVD too, too lazy to get up and look for it. I just remember at the end with one of them holding a bat while this alien was holding the young boy with some kind of gas to kill him with, and the other saying "Swing away!" lol! Oh that was the coolest movie! I love all three of those. I rarely ever win anything either so I know how you feel. :D

I read on LJ that "The Avengers" are suppose to be coming out in the states in Sept., not sure if I read when in the UK. on bluray DVD. I can't wait! There is going to be an extended version which I definitely want! I am dying to finally get to watch it at home with my family. I really hated the seats we got at the theater. Sadly I still haven't uploaded an avenger icon. I need to do that.


badly_knitted August 22 2012, 15:15:45 UTC
*bounces with excitement* Hopefully The Avengers will be out over here at around the same time, or not long after. I'm saving coins so I can buy it when it comes out. Might check in our local shop and find out when, I might pre-order it. So looking forward to seeing it!


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