Fic Of The Week - Week One Hundred And Fifty Seven

Dec 29, 2014 18:34

Here we are, the final Fic of the Week post for 2014! Starting next week, I will be doing Fic of the Week every two weeks so that I can rec something a bit longer and still have a chance of reading it before it's time for the next post. I've had so little time available recently that I've fallen way behind in my reading, so I'm hoping to have a few days next year set aside for reading rather than writing. We'll see how THAT idea goes, lol!

The final fic rec for 2014 is The Angel And The Abyss, a three-parter by cthonus from way back in February 2007. Sometimes it's hard to believe Torchwood fanfic has been going for so long!

Summary: Set during the final hours of End of Days. An alternative take on the final hours of End of Days. Ianto isn't taking the situtation very well...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Or read the whole fic here.

And that's all for 2014! Happy reading, everybody! See you next year, I hope!

fic rec, fic of the week, reading

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