Dec 05, 2014 11:11

Is anyone else finding it impossible to access their Friends Page ( Read more... )

livejournal, argh!, real life

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badly_knitted December 9 2014, 14:56:09 UTC
If it's an IE problem, it's back again. I can't access LJ through IE at all again. Lost it for a day and a half, got it back for half a day, this morning it won't connect again. I hate using Chrome for this.

Can you download as text files with Firefox? Can't with Chrome, as far as I can tell, so it's no help to me for certain things.

Nearly all Torchwood writers on LJ have vanished, which makes me very sad. There are still readers around but too often I feel like the lone hold-out, clinging to my fandom. I have seemingly endless ideas of things to write and not enough time to write them. And now I don't watch the things you write for, so I hardly seem to talk to you, which makes me sad too. Feels like my friends are all growing up and moving away, even though I'm older than most of them, lol

Even I have other fandoms I'm writing now, though that's mostly because there aren't many Torchwood prompts at fic_promptly do I have to find other things to write during Challenge and Contest weeks. My other main fandom, FAKE, has even less writers than Torchwood and not much more in the way of a readership. The only prompts for that are the ones I leave so I can fill them myself later =(


tardisjournal December 10 2014, 02:44:13 UTC
Wow, I can't believe the problems are back! Well, actually I *can* believe it. Every suggestion I had (like uninstalling recent updates) someone else already suggested, so I'll just be outraged on your behalf! *Glares daggers at LJ*

I... actually don't know about text files and Firefox. I thought that was a function of the word processing program, not the browser? If I want to make a text file I download a file and save it as it's formatted, then open it and re-save it as a text file. And I hardly ever do that. So maybe I'm not the best person to ask about this!

I miss talking to you too! That does sound really lonely, to be so into writing but have no fellow writers to commiserate with. :( I think it's a natural evolution of fandom--people get into it for awhile but then fall away for different reasons--but that doesn't mean we have to like it.

I didn't go looking for a new fandom but one found me at the beginning of this year. It's funny though--even though the Sherlock fandom is, obviously, much bigger and more active than TW's, it's actually pretty lonely there too. I've not been able to make many connections with other writers, even though I joined a bunch of communities, and used to comment enthusiastically on things that I read on LJ and AO3 that I really liked. I might get a "thanks" back but no one seems interesting in furthering the discussion or expanding it into other things.

I wonder if it's a generational thing--it seems like Sherlock fans tend to be younger and a lot activity takes place at Tumblr, which I tried and just don't "get" at all. Very manip-heavy and no way to comment personally to someone without reposting their entry to your feed (as far as I can tell), with all the comments chaining below it in a way that's hard to follow!

So yeah, I'm feeling pretty old too. :-p This must be how Jack feels when the world changes around him and he stays the same all the time!


Sorry for the multiple edits. It's time to get ready for bed and my eyes are shot!


badly_knitted December 10 2014, 13:14:27 UTC
Oh, I know that feeling, where I have to edit my edits because my fingers can't find the right keys... I try to check as I go, but typos still get through...

People are too used to clicking 'like' these days, they don't seem to want to bother with typing comments. As often as not, I'll comment on something but they don't even bother to say thank you. At least you get that much. Maybe Sherlock fandom attracts a large percentage of introverts...

I've never even bothered looking at tumblr. LJ is about as complex as I can handle, tech wise, lol!

I guess my problem is that I don't adjust well to change so if I find something I like, I stick with it come hell or high water, because it's my comfort zone. Other people find other things to be enthusiastic about but I'm just "But I'm comfy here, it's nice, why would I want to go somewhere else?" One of these days, I might be the last active writer in the Torchwood fandom. Scary thought!

I'll try your method and see if it'll work when I have to use google. LJ is back on Internet Explorer this morning, but how long that will last is anyone's guess. I save things as text files because they take up less room, I can delete all the unwanted stuff that you get on a web page and just have the important stuff. I've been downloading Buffy and Torchwood Transcripts to make it easier to look up what I need when I'm writing episode based fics. I should do the same with Doctor Who, I've only got the Mummy on the Orient Express one so far.

Good luck with your writing, talk to you again soon!


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