Fic Of The Week - Week One Hundred And Fifty

Nov 10, 2014 18:25

Hello, and apologies for the lateness, I'm having the day from hell. Not only did I have to call the doctor out for my mum, who has a cough, but my internet provider decided to block my access to LJ, Dreamwidth and several other sites and their home security centre that was doing it would not switch off no matter what I did. Took over and hour and three phone calls to get it sorted, during which they insisted on speaking to mum because it's her name on the bills. I'll have to get that changed. Now I have a massive headache and I'm even more stressed than before =(

Anyway, on to this week's fic, another short one because I have almost no time for anything, let alone reading. Through Other Eyes is a 4 part fic from August 2007, written by halfspokenwords.

Summary: An AU in which Ianto is offered command of Torchwood Three after Canary Wharf.

This sounds interesting! I suspect that a lot of things will be different from ther show; I do love AUs that look at all those What If? scenarios.

Part 1 is here. - Parts are linked.

That's all for this week. Happy reading, everybody.

fic rec, fic of the week, reading

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