Ficlet: Day Four

Nov 10, 2014 16:53

Title: Day Four

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, mentions Ianto

Rating: G

Spoilers: CoE

Summary: Jack’s lost so many lovers, but this time he’s to blame.

Word Count: 250

Written For: aoifes_isle’s prompt ‘Author's Choice; Canonical Temporary Character Death’ at
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jack/ianto, fic_promptly, angst, jack harkness, coe compliant, torchwood fic, fic: one-shot, ficlet, sad, fic: g

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Comments 17

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badly_knitted November 10 2014, 20:33:00 UTC
Thank you, and I'm sorry! *hands tissues* I didn't want to write this, the bunnies made me do it!

(Jack will get Ianto back again. I refuse to allow CoE to win!)


red_day_dawning November 10 2014, 22:03:14 UTC
So heart-breaking.


badly_knitted November 10 2014, 23:10:33 UTC
I know, I'm sorry =(

The plot bunnies were being mean, they made me do it ='(

Thank you.


black59 November 10 2014, 22:09:49 UTC
too sad!
I can not digest this third day. I prefer fics where they are alive


badly_knitted November 10 2014, 23:08:52 UTC
So do I. I didn't want to write this, but the plot bunnies wouldn't let me write something else.

Ianto will live again, I wouldn't have it any other way. Jack will be happy again when Ianto and his TARDIS catch up to him.

Thank you.


owensheart November 11 2014, 11:15:21 UTC
This is truly heartbreaking, but really do you think Ianto would have stayed behind. I do feel for Jack tho *hugs him*

great ficlet


badly_knitted November 11 2014, 11:31:18 UTC
Yes, I think he would have if there was a task that needed doing that would have given them a better chance of defeating the 456. It doesn't make tactical sense to march two thirds of your fighting force into what is essentially enemy territory. Ianto would have understood that what Jack was doing was creating a distraction and taking a calculated risk - they would both have known confronting the 456 didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of working, but it might have brought them some time. Ianto should have been doing Tosh's job, working out a way to send the signal back to the 456. That entire part of the 'plot' made no sense.

Thank you!


asia27 November 12 2014, 05:25:00 UTC
Wow...! I'm 'paint' with words so beautifully in all your stories but this one conveys blackness and ice... Very unusual; it was so right in Jack's reasoning but the team really didn't have much time to think their plans through. And Ianto would not have allowed Jack to leave him behind... I think his heart's loss is why this regeneration is even more painful.

Poor Jack... and poor Ianto...


badly_knitted November 12 2014, 13:07:54 UTC
Yes, that must have been the most agonising of regenerations.

I think Ianto would willingly have stayed behind if there had been something Jack needed him to do like working on how to defeat the 456 while Jack was distracting them. The whole confrontation scene made no sense whatsoever, they were practically surrendering to the people who'd been trying to kill them, leaving only Gwen free. It was completely ridiculous.

Thank you. I didn't want to write it, but the bunniews insisted =(


asia27 November 13 2014, 20:57:28 UTC
The bunnies knew you would handle this horrific situation best. :) And they apparently have something else in mind for you to write! :D


badly_knitted November 13 2014, 22:03:55 UTC
The bunnies always have things for me to write. Unfortunately, I have less time to write than usual at the moment, which sucks.

I was writing for Contest Week, so I had to get each piece written and posted as fast as I could. I wanted to do one of Jack's other canon deaths, but I couldn't get past this one so I had to write it. Glad you think I did a good job with it =)


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