Title: Through Time And Space: Chapter 4 - Starsong
badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 942
Spoilers: CoE, House of the Dead
Summary: Okay, so Ianto’s in a TARDIS, but where exactly is the TARDIS?
Written For: Challenge #96: Music at
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Sorry it’s taken so long to get this part
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Comments 16
great chapter.
It was a bit unexpected, it never occurred to him to wonder where they'd come out of the void. There's a lot out there in space and this is just Ianto's first glimpse, so I'm sure he'll be fine once he gets used to it!
Thank you!
"Symphony for Stars and TARDIS; soloist Ianto Jones." - I'd listen to that :)
great update
I wanted something spectacular for Ianto's first sight outside the TARDIS door, so I googled until I found just what I wanted. Poor Ianto, he had idea space was outside the door, lol!
Thank you!
Practical Ianto. That would be my first question too. XD
Thank you!
It reminds me of the Doctor by his exuberance !!
I love the images you create. she is so beautiful and visual.
I want to be next to Ianto to see and hear elsewhere in imagination I am!
I hope he will keep that light side, not jaded.
Ianto is more like the Doctor than he realises, and more like Jack too.
Thank you!
(grabs tea with blueberries to sit and read....)
There will be lots of pictures, she'll decorate the corridors with them!
Thank you!
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