Drabble: The Pendant

Oct 16, 2014 16:38

Title: The Pendant

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Tosh, mentions Gwen, Owen, Ianto

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Greeks Bearing Gifts

Summary: Tosh considers Mary’s pendant.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: For the prompt ‘The Locket’, one of the prompts I didn’t get around to using for tw100’s challenge 316 earlier this year. I’ve dug them out again to supplement the prompts I got from my f-list, just because there are still loads I wanted to use.

It was such a pretty, innocuous little pendant, unless you were wearing it; then there was nothing innocent about it. No one should be able to hear the innermost thoughts of the people around them. She’d thought her colleagues were her friends; now she wondered if she knew them at all.

Gwen’s thoughts alternated between pitying Tosh and lusting after Owen, Owen thought about Gwen and how pathetic Tosh was, and Ianto’s thoughts were mired in pain and loss.

No, there was nothing innocent about the pendant; it was better destroyed, Tosh decided as she ground it beneath her heel.

The End

toshiko sato, fic, team, torchwood fic, drabble, fic: g

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