Drabble: Catch Of The Day - Sequel to ‘The Treasure Of The Deep’

Oct 11, 2014 14:57

Title: Catch Of The Day - Sequel to ‘The Treasure Of The Deep’

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Torchwood Team, Jack, Rhys

Rating: G

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Just what is it that they’ve caught?

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: For one of the prompts I didn’t get around to using for tw100’s challenge 288 last year. I’ve dug them out again to supplement the prompts I got from my f-list, just because there are still loads I wanted to use.

This one’s a drabble and a half because it came out at exactly 150 words. I couldn’t bring myself to ruin that! Prompt at the end.

It had taken some work and the SUV’s winch to pull it out, but at last it was on the bank. They were standing around the large, rather dented ovoid staring at it when Rhys joined them, having just arrived with a lorry for transportation.

“What’s that then?” he asked Jack, who was crouched beside it, running his hands carefully over the surface as if feeling for something.

“It’s an escape pod.”

“What, y’mean from a space ship?”

“Exactly that; I just need to find the control panel… Ah!” There was a click and a previously invisible panel slid to one side. Jack used his VM to activate the opening mechanism and with a slight puff of escaping air, the top of the battered craft slowly swung up to reveal two small, anxious-looking humanoids staring out at them.

“Hi!” Jack held out his hands. “Captain Jack Harkness, welcome to earth!"

TBC in ‘ Who Made A Bit Of A Splash?

A/N2: Prompt used is ‘Welcome To Earth’

fic, jack harkness, fic: sequel, team, rhys williams, torchwood fic, drabble, fic: g

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