Title: I Can See Clearly Now
badly_knitted Characters: Owen, Tosh
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Owen has a moment of clarity.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: For the prompt ‘Clarity’, one of the prompts I didn’t get around to using for tw100’s challenge 292: Billboard Hot 100 last year. I’ve dug them out again to supplement the prompts I got from my f-list, just because there are still loads I wanted to use.
Sometimes you can work with someone for years, even think of them as a friend, yet never really see them.
Then one day, you look at them, really look at them. And maybe the light is hitting them from a different angle, or they’ve done something to their hair, or maybe it’s just that for once you’re not hung over.
Whatever it is, for the first time ever you actually see her. In a moment of clarity you realise how amazing she is, and wonder how you could have been so blind for so long.
And that’s how love begins.
The End