Positive Meme Thingie: Day Two

Sep 11, 2014 22:24

Day Two, so here's three positive things from today!

1. New prompt from fan_flashworks! YAY! Better yet, it's a perfect fit to continue my current WiP!

2. I earned my '25 Posted Works' badge at fan_flashworks! That's my 6th badge, can't believe I have 6 already!

3. I got three really great comments on the Firefly drabble I wrote for a prompt on one of the dreamwidth prompt communities I belong to. They said my dialogue was spot-on! I'll post it here at some point, I'm just a bit behind in posting everything I've written for prompts. I'm slowly catching up though.

So that's today's post! =D

yay!, meme, real life

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