Drabble: Unbelievable

Aug 28, 2014 15:18

Title: Unbelievable

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, Jack

Rating: G

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: They have everything - or do they?

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: For fanbot’s prompt "Won't you tell me what you want, what you really really want."

Unbelievable... )

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, humour, torchwood fic, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 28

bluelilacs August 28 2014, 18:18:30 UTC
What self-respecting ice cream shop does not have vanilla? Very strange.

I half expected him to be watching Ianto with drool running down his chin thinking of the many things they could do with the ice cream. This was a total surprise. And isn't it amusing to find out that something about Jack is actually vanilla?


badly_knitted August 29 2014, 11:24:12 UTC
Poor, confused Jack, thinking he can't have Vanilla! He just hasn't twigged - they have every flavour you can imagine, the list is just the most popular flavour combinations, there's no need to list the single flavours. Strawberry, Chocolate, Orange, etc. aren't listed either, that doesn't mean they're not available!

Ianto got Jack a triple scoop of vanilla and they both enjoyed their treats.

(I just thought it would be funny if Jack liked Vanilla ice cream best, lol!)

Thank you!


too_beauty August 28 2014, 18:43:45 UTC
Come on!!! Where have you seen Jack and Vanilla in the same sentence? LOL


badly_knitted August 29 2014, 11:32:27 UTC
When he's ordering ice cream, that's where!

(And he did get his vanilla ice cream, so he's happy now.)

Thank you!


awieatti August 28 2014, 20:28:51 UTC
Hahaha! Poor Jack! They have so many fancy flavours, but of course not the most basic ones! xD
(Oh, and I'd like a vegan cinnamon star dark truffel marzipan christmas apple punch, please! Winter flavours are always the best ones! :D )


badly_knitted August 28 2014, 22:02:26 UTC
One vegan cinnamon star dark truffel marzipan christmas apple punch coming right up! *grins*

They only list the fancy flavours, but all the individual flavours that go into making the fancy ones are available too. Jack needn't have panicked, they just don't bother to list the single flavours, because everyone can remember them. He got his vanilla!

Thank you!


awieatti August 29 2014, 22:44:27 UTC
Thank God for that. And so the world is saved once again!


badly_knitted August 29 2014, 22:46:41 UTC
Jack is all smiles again. See?


milady_dragon August 28 2014, 21:34:12 UTC
Poor Jack! I can't believe a shop like that wouldn't have vanilla!


badly_knitted August 29 2014, 11:26:56 UTC
Ah but they do, they just don't list the single flavours, they assume people will realise that any flavour used to make the fancy combinations is also available on its own. Jack got his preferred ice cream!

Thank you!


tardisjournal August 29 2014, 01:27:21 UTC
ROFL! Poor Jack! I guess it'd be like being told you couldn't order regular coffee in an fancy coffee shop. (They always have it, but sometimes I feel sort of silly when everyone else is getting a Half-Caf Triple Mocha Latte with sprinkles or whatever.) :-p


badly_knitted August 29 2014, 11:30:58 UTC
LOL! Yes, it's rather like that here. They have the individual flavours available - they wouldn't be able to maker all those combinations without them - but what's the point of listing them? If people want a single flavour all they have to do is ask. Ianto of course understands this, since he knows how coffee shops work and the principle is the same, so Jack got his Vanilla.

Cue Happy Jack!

Thank you.


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