Title: Facing A Long Wait
badly_knitted Characters: Jack, Tarot Girl, mentions the Doctor
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 318 - Long Overdue at
tw100 Spoilers: Jack’s section of Fragments.
Summary: Jack’s got a long wait ahead of him.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Thanks to ‘I Love Janto’ for the idea for this one!
“The century will turn twice before you find each other again,” the Tarot girl tells him.
Her words hit Jack like a physical blow, a punch to the gut that almost takes his breath away. More than a hundred years before he’ll find his Doctor again? How will he bear it, existing day to day for another century? He already feels he’s lived too long.
But what choice does he have? None whatsoever if he’s honest, he’s waited so long, giving up isn’t an option. One day the Doctor will come and then he’ll finally get some long overdue answers.
The End