Title: Novice
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Willow.
Rating: PG
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Magic’.
Spoilers/Setting: Season One, after Witch.
Summary: Willow already is committed to becoming a witch.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Discovering the existence of magic, real spellcasting with witches and warlocks and stuff, not just sleight of hand illusions, had opened up a whole new world for Willow, one even more fascinating than the world of computers. Not that computers weren’t still great, because they were, and she wasn’t about to ignore their potential, but magic…
Computers were still limited. Not forever, Willow could already see ways they could be improved on, perhaps even enough that someday everybody could have one in their home, but that was still years away, perhaps a decade or more, while magic was here, now, and what she might be able to do with it once she mastered it was practically unlimited.
Protection spells, tracking spells to find the demon of the week, or to locate lost items, healing spells, transformation spells, potions to kill demons, or to cure shyness, curses to give bullies what they deserved… Well, okay, maybe not that last one, tempting as it might be to give Cordelia warts on her face or something. She wouldn’t want to stoop to her nemesis’ level. She’d seen firsthand the harm Amy’s mom’s curses had done to people. Buffy had almost died. Probably best to steer clear of curses, but the other stuff…
She’d use her powers for good. Once she HAD powers, which she didn’t yet, but she was working on it. Magic was like any school subject, you had to learn the basics before you moved on to the more advanced and complicated lessons, but Willow was fine with that. She’d always been a good student, she enjoyed learning, and Giles had tons of books on the subject. Besides, everyone needed a hobby.
Were there exams she’d have to pass to become a qualified witch? Maybe she should ask Giles about that…
The End