Title: Bright Lights, Big City
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 434: Bright at
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: The lights of New York are beautiful at night, but the city has a darker side too.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Up on the roof of the station house, Dee leaned against the low wall, hands clasped around a steaming mug of coffee, and stared out at the bright lights of Manhattan in the distance, twinkling in the winter night. It was cold out, his breath steaming in front of him, but he had his coat on, and the coffee was keeping his fingers warm.
He used to come up here all the time for a smoke, but he’d stopped after he quit, and now he wondered why. It was good to escape from the noise and bustle of the squad room sometimes, go somewhere he could hear himself think, where he wouldn’t be constantly interrupted by the phones ringing, or his colleagues talking.
“What’re you doing up here in the cold?” a familiar voice asked as Ryo came to join him, coat collar turned up, shoulders hunched against the chill wind.
“Too noisy downstairs.” Dee took a sip from his mug. “’Sides, does a guy good sometimes to pause for a minute, remember why we do what we do. It’s for them. All those people out there, goin’ about their lives, workin’, shoppin’, headin’ out on the town, goin’ home to their apartments, tuckin’ their kids into bed… We’re sorta what stands between the law-abidin’ citizens of New York and the darkness.”
Ryo nodded, looking out at the lights too. “Millions of people, most of them just doing their best to provide for themselves and their families; cops like us are the people responsible for keeping everyone else as safe as possible. It’s a big responsibility.”
“Yeah, but it’s one we chose, and it’s worth doin’.”
“It is, no matter how difficult and thankless it might sometimes be.”
“Our killer’s out there somewhere.”
“We won’t stop until we get him.”
The End