Title: Simple Kindness
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
badly_knittedCharacters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O’Neill.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: Children of the Gods Part One.
Summary: Now he’s back on earth, Daniel feels cold and out of place, until Jack O’Neill offers kindness, beer, and a place to stay.
Written For: Challenge 459: Amnesty 76 at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 28: Warmth.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.
Abydos was a desert planet, a place of hot, dry, sunny days, and cold, clear nights. Daniel had gotten used to the climate, to sleeping in a tent beside Sha-re, both of them covered in blankets, sharing body heat. He’d never felt the chill of the night air, because Sha-re’s presence, her smile, her laughter, had kept him warm.
The SGC is deep below a mountain, so far underground you’d think it would be well insulated. It has a heating system, ventilation, all the modern conveniences, but to Daniel it feels unpleasantly cold and damp. Perhaps it’s mostly psychological, because on Abydos he belonged, he was family, and everyone knew him. Here, he’s out of place, surrounded by strangers, alone, and with no clear purpose. He doesn’t know what to do, so he just hangs around in the corridors, trying not to get in anyone’s way.
That’s where Colonel O’Neill finds him, and it surprises Daniel that anyone’s even giving him a passing thought, never mind enough of one to notice him when he’s doing his best not to draw attention to himself. Even more surprisingly, instead of simply walking past as everyone else does, Jack stops. Before he knows what he’s doing, Daniel’s trailing after the Colonel,
out to his truck.
There’s a fire burning in the grate, sending welcome warmth out into the room, chasing the chill from Daniel’s bones. Or maybe that’s the beer he’s drinking. He’s never much liked beer, but it would have been ungrateful to say no when it was offered, and anyway, drinking it gives him something to do with his hands.
He’s out of place here too, but it seems less awkward somehow, because Jack is at least familiar, and he doesn’t look at Daniel like he’s some vaguely interesting scientific specimen he doesn’t currently have a use for. They were never friends before, back when they went on the first Abydos mission, he knew Jack found him annoying, but now… There’s a connection. Jack understands how it feels to lose a loved one.
It might not be friendship, and that’s okay; Daniel doesn’t want to presume anything, but whatever it is, simple kindness, compassion, a repayment of a debt owed for Daniel’s part is saving Jack’s life, it’s more than Daniel was expecting. Beer, food, a bed to sleep in… It warms something deep inside him, makes him feel less alone.
The End