Title: Unspooken
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Others.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 837: Spooky at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The rest of the team might find the archives spooky, but they don’t bother Ianto.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Most of the team found the lower levels of the Hub, especially the archives, spooky. Ianto supposed it was understandable. There were lights in all the rooms and passageways, but they weren’t switched on all the time, that would be a waste of electricity, so it was best to venture down there with a torch and just turn them on and off as you went. Ianto knew where all the switches were, but that was only because he’d taken the time to memorised them.
Then there was the ventilation, which turned on and off at regular intervals, making weird noises, and sending cool draughts whispering along the corridors. If you weren’t expecting them, it could feel like ghostly fingers running through your hair. It didn’t bother Ianto, but then, he kept his hair short, so any gusts of air had minimal effect.
Oh, and then there were the actual ghosts, wandering about, doing whatever disembodied spirits did. Some were transparent, other more solid-looking, and a few were nothing more than insubstantial wisps. Most of them paid him no attention. A few he’d talk to, if they seemed aware of him, but it seemed polite not to spook unless spooken to.
The End