Title: Weird Alien
badly_knittedCharacters: Clara Oswald, Twelfth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 865: Pumpkin at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Clara finds the local wildlife a bit unnerving.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
“Doctor…” Clara tugged nervously at the Doctor’s sleeve.
“Hm?” As usual, he was distracted by… something.
“Why is there a pumpkin leering at us from the bushes?”
“What?” The Doctor turned to look. “Oh, that’s no pumpkin, it’s a Wapnot.”
“A whatnot?”
“Wapnot,” the Doctor corrected absently, turning his attention back to adjusting his sonic screwdriver. “They’re perfectly harmless, just curious. Not quite sentient yet, but they’ll get there eventually. Give them another million years or so of evolution and they’ll be quite civilised.”
“Wonderful. Does it have to keep staring at me?”
“It’s not staring. That’s its rear end.”
The End