Title: The Stopwatch
badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Jack inferred
Rating: PG-13
Written For: Challenge 316 - Reverse Fandom - How I Met Your Mother at
tw100 Spoilers: Vague for They Keep Killing Suzie.
Summary: Ianto distracts himself by thinking about his stopwatch.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Just in case I go out tomorrow and I’m not able to post before the current challenge ends, have another drabble - my 44th for this challenge.
A/N2: Prompt used is ‘Something Old’
It was an antique, precision engineering at its most intricate, at least for the time in which it was made; cogs and springs and burnished metal, all combining to make as elegant a timepiece as had ever been invented.
Watches had come a long way since this one had been made, even passing through a phase of digital monstrosities, which Ianto considered abominations.
The stopwatch ticked on, second by second, measuring elapsed time rather than the time of day.
Ianto moaned in ecstasy.
He was sure it hadn’t been designed for the uses he and Jack were putting it to!
The End