BtVS Triple Drabble: Special Guest

Jul 31, 2024 18:37

Title: Special Guest
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Drusilla, Angel.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: What’s My Line Part 2.
Summary: Drusilla entertains her guest.
Content Notes: Includes scenes of torture.
Written For: Challenge 429: Amnesty 71 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 424: Guest.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Drusilla smiled at her guest. She’d missed Angel since he’d left their little family; it was such a lovely treat to have her sire visiting, there were so many games they could play!

Of course, Angel had been very bad and must be punished. He’d killed her family when she was still human, and she remembered. She’d hated and feared him all those many years ago, but he’d made her better, set her free, showed her everything she could be. She loved him for that, but then he’d left her, and Spike, and Darla… That was all the fault of his human soul. If he’d stayed with them, they could have helped him, but no. He’d turned against them.

She reached for the holy water, dripped a little on Angel’s bare chest, enjoying the way it smoked, turning his skin red, then raw and purple. It hurt him, that was good, but he wouldn’t scream for her, so that was less fun.

Still, he was a bad, bad man, and she would punish him, reminding him of her mother, her little sister, and what he’d done to them. He was her guest after all, and he deserved her full attention. It was only polite, and mummy had taught her manners from the time she’d been very small, even smaller than little Anne.

She tipped the crystal pitcher again, trickling more holy water, watching Angel writhe in pain, unable to escape. Spike had tied Angel well before leaving him so she could play. Spike always gave her the best treats.

Angel used to give her treats, used to cause her the sweetest agonies, before. Sometimes Spike was too gentle, but Drusilla didn’t mind. When she was healed, it would be different.

Pouring the remaining holy water, she basked in Angel’s screams.

The End

fic, drusilla, btvs, buffy fic, spike, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg, angel

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