Title: Buffy’s Bad Day
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Buffy, Giles, Angel, OCs.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Early Season Two.
Summary: Buffy is having a really awful day. So bad, she seriously needs to hit something.
Word Count: 795
Written For:
3am_moonlight’s prompt ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers, violence therapy,’ at
Disclaimer: I don’t own BTVS, or the characters.
It had been an unbelievably sucky day, and Buffy had absolutely, totally, just had it with teachers, people in general, maybe the whole stupid world. Being a teenager was bad enough, but being a teenager AND the Slayer just added conflicting pressures she seriously did NOT need.
So she’d forgotten her English homework, so what? She’d done it, she’d just accidentally left it at home on the kitchen counter in the mad dash to throw everything in her bookbag and get to school on time. She’d explained that to her teacher, but she’d still been given detention and had to do the homework again, even though she’d promised to bring it in the next day.
As for chemistry… It wasn’t like she’d intentionally made her experiment blow up, it had just sort of happened, and nobody had gotten hurt. Okay, so there were some scorch marks on the ceiling in the chem lab now, but who looked at ceilings anyway? A bit of paint and it would be good as new. There’d been no reason for Mr Hastings to yell at her. She’d never seen him turn purple like that before. Honestly, she’d thought he might be about to drop dead of a heart attack or something.as
Then Giles had gotten on her case about being late for training because of the detention, even though she’d asked Xander to stop by the library and let her Watcher know she’d be a bit tardy… Apparently Xander had forgotten, or been distracted, or something. She should’ve asked Willow.
Buffy stomped out of the library after being unfairly berated over her lack of punctuality. She would have liked to slam the door behind her, but annoyingly it was designed to swing gently open and closed, so any attempt to slam it would have just made her look stupid, which was the last thing she needed. The whole universe seemed to have turned against her.
Predictably, she heard the door swing open again, and then footsteps scurrying after her.
“Where do you think you’re going? I wasn’t finished,” Giles said as he caught up with her.
“I was.” Buffy scowled at her Watcher. “Today is not my fault! And if Xander had done what I’d asked him to, you would’ve known I was gonna be late.”
“Alright, I’m sorry, I should have let you explain before chastising you.”
“Chastising? You shouted!”
“And I apologise. I’m not perfect.”
“Neither am I, and people shouldn’t expect me to be.” Buffy pouted. “I’m a teenager, I make mistakes, and if I forget something it’s just because I have so much going on that I’m expected to remember. I’m juggling home, and school, and slaying; I’m allowed to have a bad day occasionally!”
Giles huffed, shoving his hands in his trouser pockets. “Yes, well, I suppose you have a point.”
“You suppose? Gee, thanks for that.”
“Will you be going on patrol tonight, or are you going home to… uh…”
“Drown my sorrows in ice-cream?”
“Is that what teenage girls do?”
“So I’ve heard, but no, I’m patrolling; the ice-cream will have to wait. I have a serious need to hit something, repeatedly. Therapy through violence.”
“Oh. Well, very good, I’ll let you get to that then. Just, be careful.”
“Full of carefulness, always. I promise. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go find something to punch in the face.” Buffy strode off, leaving Giles standing in the school hallway.
“Thank God I’m not a vampire,” he muttered as he turned back to the library. “I don’t envy them.” He stopped suddenly. “Maybe I should go with her, just to make sure she doesn’t get too carried away…” He hesitated, then shook his head. “No, perhaps not; I wouldn’t want to get in her way. Not tonight. God help anyone who does.”
Across town in one of Sunnydale’s many cemeteries an hour or so later, several vampires were soon deeply regretting their decision to try their luck on the Hellmouth, although to be fair, their regrets didn’t last long. None of them had ever encountered a Slayer before, and they’d never get a second chance as they were beaten to a pulp before being staked. As the last one exploded in a cloud of dust, Buffy put her stake away and straightened her top, smiling.
“I feel so much better now,” she said, dusting herself off.
“Glad to hear it.” Angel stepped out of the shadows beside one of the oldest mausoleums.
Buffy turned to face him. “Hey. You would not BELIEVE the day I’ve had.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Maybe later. Right now, what I could really use is a hug.”
Angel smiled, wrapping his arms around Buffy, and holding her close. “I can do that. Whatever you need.”
The End