Double Drabble: Rudely Interrupted

Jul 16, 2024 18:46

Title: Rudely Interrupted
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Gwen.
Rating: PG-13
Written For: Challenge 822: Embarrass at tw100.
Spoilers: Adrift.
Summary: Some people really should learn to knock before entering.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

They were supposed to be alone in the Hub, the rest of the team had left hours ago, otherwise Ianto would’ve never agreed to a game of naked hide and seek. Some activities simply weren’t appropriate for during work hours. The last thing he’d been expecting was for his and Jack’s post-work fun to be rudely interrupted.

He wasn’t even sure how Gwen had managed to get into the base without setting off the cogwheel door alarms. Maybe she’d entered through the garage entrance, but that was supposed to be locked down at night, only accessible from the inside unless there was an alert.

He and Jack had been up in the hothouse, shirtless, hands down each other’s pants, and snogging like a couple of horny teenagers, when Gwen had burst in on them. Gwen, unsurprisingly, looked mortified at catching her colleagues in flagrante, Jack, being Jack, turned the whole situation into a joke, and Ianto found himself stuck in the middle, trying to play down his own embarrassment, joking about Jack always cheating. He was only thankful she hadn’t turned up five minutes later.

Still, since she was here, there was a mysterious package that had arrived for her…

The End

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, torchwood100, fic: pg-13, ianto jones, gwen cooper, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble

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