Title: A Nose For Trouble
badly_knittedCharacters: Owen, Dizzy, Tosh.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 811: Nose at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Dizzy’s curiosity has landed it in trouble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Dizzy the Flufflet huddled in a disconsolate lump on the treatment table, shudders running through its long body as Owen tried to examine it.
“What happened?” Tosh clattered down the steps into the autopsy bay. “Is Dizzy alright?”
Nosy had given its first Flufflet into their care, but it didn’t seem she and Owen were doing a particularly good job of looking after it.
“Stuck its nose where it didn’t belong,” Owen said, trying to unravel Nosy’s offspring enough to check the damage. “Give me a hand here, love? Can’t see what I’m doing.”
Coming to stand beside her fiancé, Tosh helped straighten the Flufflet out so it couldn’t hide its head among the coils of its body. Gently, Owen grasped the shivering creature just behind its head and ran his scanner over its snout.
“No serious damage, thank God,” Owen said, looking as relieved as he sounded. “But there’s some bad bruising. Dizzy’s going to be sore for a while, but I’ll give it a shot for the pain.” He got out a syringe and a bottle of painkiller, injecting a dose under Dizzy’s skin. “Maybe this’ll teach you not to stick your nose in drawers as they’re closing.”
The End