FAKE Triple Drabble: Tied Up

Feb 28, 2024 16:33

Title: Tied Up
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, OMC.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Dee and Ryo turn the tables on their captors.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Tape’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.

“This reminds me,” Dee said. “Gotta buy some more duct tape.”

“You’re thinking about that now?”

“Why not? I figure if I tell you, there’s a good chance one of us might remember once we get outta here.” Dee flexed his wrists behind him, trying to loosen the tape binding them together.

“Anything else you want on your shopping list?” Ryo was slightly breathless as he tugged at his own bonds.

“Beer. Maybe some nachos, bread, eggs… the usual stuff.”

“Right now, I’d settle for our radios and weapons.” Both had been confiscated by the gang who’d tied them up.

“That’s not a shoppin’ list, it’s a wish list.”

“Semantics. It’s not like you’ll be getting anything on your list anytime soon either. Not while we’re being held prisoner.”

“Won’t be for long.” Dee twisted his hands back and forth, feeling the tape starting to give. “These guys used the cheap stuff; just shows ya get what you pay for.” A couple of minutes later, Dee wrenched one hand free, tugged the tape off his other wrist, and leaned forward to free his ankles. By the time he’d done that, Ryo had his hands free. “Need any help?”

“No, I’ve got this. You look for a way out.” Ryo started ripping at the tape around his legs.

Ten minutes later, both detectives were free, and the man the gang had left behind to guard them was handcuffed to a chair, his ankles taped to the legs using the same roll of duct tape he’d used on them earlier.

While Ryo radioed for backup, Dee pulled out notepad and pen and started jotting something down.

“What’s that?” Ryo asked, coming to join him, checking his gun.

“Shoppin’ list, gotta write stuff down while I remember.”

Ryo laughed. “Don’t forget the nachos.”

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, drabble, fic: pg

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