FAKE Triple Drabble: Thawing Out

Dec 02, 2023 16:53

Title: Thawing Out
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: The weather is bitterly cold, and Dee arrives at work freezing.
Written For: The newyearcntdown prompt ‘Heat’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Stumbling into the SCU’s squad room half an hour late, Dee made a beeline for the nearest radiator, praying that it would be working. It was noticeably warmer indoors than it was outside, but that didn’t mean much; outside temperatures were well below freezing, and anywhere people gathered indoors was bound to be warmer, just through the presence of warm bodies.

The two-seven’s heating and air conditioning systems were antiquated nightmares that seldom worked as efficiently as they should, a lot like some of the people employed there, but right at that moment, even a lukewarm radiator would have been a blessing to Dee. He felt chilled to the bone.

“What happened to you?” Ryo asked as his partner blundered right by him, seemingly not even noticing he was there, something which never happened. Dee might ignore everyone else in a room, but not his lover.

“Bus broke down halfway here, had to walk the rest of the way,” Dee squeezed out through chattering teeth.

“Why didn’t you wrap up against the cold?”

“Thought I had!” Dee had on a scarf and gloves, a hip-length jacket, jeans, and boots.

“Where’s your hat?”

“Lost it last week.” By now, Dee was practically hugging the radiator, soaking up the heat from it, amazed by how hot it felt even though it probably wasn’t much more than lukewarm.

“Lost it? Don’t you have spares?”

“Apparently not.” Dee threw a woeful look his partner’s way. “And my winter coat is at the drycleaners ‘cause I got blood on it from that shootin’ victim a couple days ago. Everything’s conspirin’ against me!”

“Poor Dee.”

“Yeah, poor me! It’s a miracle I’m not frozen solid!” He scowled though the window at the falling snow. “Think I’m gonna stay right here, thawin’ out, until end of shift.”

The End

fic, fake fic, newyearcntdown, ryo maclean, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fic: pg

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