Title: Alarming Situation
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee and Ryo aren’t entirely sure what happened, but they’re going to find out.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Blind’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.
The first thing Dee noticed when he regained consciousness was that he couldn’t see. He became even more alarmed when he fumbled at his face and found his eyes weren’t covered, as he’d initially thought. There was no blindfold, no sack over his head, just nothing.
“I’ve gone blind!” he gasped.
“No you haven’t.”
Despite their situation, hearing Ryo’s quiet voice nearby calmed Dee immediately. “You sure?”
“Yes. It’s just really dark in here. No windows, no light, only one door.”
“How d’you know all that?”
“You were out longer than I was. I’ve had time to take a look around. When I woke up, there was a light on outside the door, but I guess whoever locked us in here turned it off.”
While Ryo was talking, Dee homed in on his voice, crawling across a cold, gritty cement floor to reach him. “Really hope this is you,” he murmured as his groping fingers found what felt like a leg.
“It is,” Ryo replied. “You okay?”
“Headache. What the hell happened to us?”
“Some kind of sedative I think. I felt a sharp jab, then nothing.”
“Guess that beats gettin’ whacked over the head.” Dee still felt a little muzzy, but his head was gradually clearing. “Any idea what we should do now?”
“I was thinking we should probably try to escape, but it seemed sensible to wait until you woke up.”
“Right.” Dee settled beside his lover. “So, where’s the door?”
“We’re leaning against it.”
“Clever.” Dee fumbled for his lockpicks, relieved to find the slim case still tucked in his boot. Their phones, radios, and weapons were gone, but they weren’t completely helpless. “Okay,” he whispered, “let’s get outta here.”
Dee didn’t need to see to pick a lock, and once he had the door open, they found the passageway outside it wasn’t quite as dark as the room they’d been in. Dim light was filtering through a narrow gap under a door at the top of a flight of concrete steps. That door was locked as well, but a couple of minutes with his picks and Dee was able to crack it open.
“We should let our eyes adjust first,” Ryo whispered. “Don’t want to get blinded by the light.”
Dee nodded, knowing his partner was right. He didn’t know who’d drugged them, or why, but whoever it was, they weren’t gonna know what hit them.
The End