FAKE Ficlet: Under The Weather

Nov 24, 2023 17:21

Title: Under The Weather
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Dee has caught a cold and he’s not happy.
Word Count: 567
Written For: Prompt 681: Infection at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“This is all JJ’s fault,” Dee muttered sourly, his voice rough. His nose was so clogged up he was having to breathe through his mouth, which was making his throat dry and sore, although that might also have something to do with the bad cold he was currently suffering. “Should be a law against people comin’ to work when they’re sick.”

“A lot of people don’t have the luxury of staying home when they’re infectious,” Ryo reminded his partner. “If they don’t work, they don’t get paid and then they can’t pay their bills.”

“JJ don’t have that excuse. He’s independently wealthy. Comin’ in here coughin’ and sneezin’ all over everybody, spreadin’ his misery around!”

“Half the precinct’s been out with colds or the flu recently,” Ryo pointed out. “We’re shorthanded. I’m sure JJ would’ve preferred to stay home until he felt better. Besides, aren’t you being a bit of a hypocrite? You came to work.”

“The difference bein’, I’m not sneezin’ on people and I’m makin’ sure to wash my hands or use sanitiser.” Dee was taking pains to catch his sneezes in tissues, not wanting to infect anyone else with his germs. “JJ threw himself at me and sneezed right in my face!”

“He apologised.”

“SO not the point! Told him often enough I don’t want him jumpin’ all over me, tryin’ to kiss me, even when he’s not germ central, but he never listens. Maybe I should’a called the CDC on his ass!”

“I think the CDC has more important things to do than rounding up people suffering from the common cold.” Ryo sounded amused.

Dee glared at his partner. “Thought I could at least count on some sympathy from you.”

“I’m being plenty sympathetic. I got you tissues, orange juice for the vitamin C, cold meds, painkillers, throat lozenges, and a bunch of other things. I even fetched you chicken noodle soup for your lunch.”

“Yeah, you did, and I’m grateful.” Dee paused to sneeze into another tissue, then blew his nose, sounding like a foghorn. “Damn. My nose is so sore I prob’ly look like Rudolph.”

“Just a bit. Have you been using the cream I gave you? It should help with the soreness.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Dee slathered his hands in sanitiser again, then downed the rest of his OJ in a couple of gulps.

“There’s more in the refrigerator if you want it, unless someone else has been drinking it. I got a six pack.”

“I owe ya. I promise if you get this frickin’ cold, I’ll take care o’ you just as well.”

“I don’t doubt it. Think you could manage to maybe do a bit of work now? Or are you going to just sit there while I do it all, because if that’s the case, you should’ve stayed home.”

“Nah, I can work, but maybe you should deal with any phone calls, so I’m not sneezin’ and splutterin’ all over the receiver. Don’t wanna accidentally infect the next person uses it.”

“Sounds fair. I’m not sure most people would understand what you’re saying right now anyway.”

Dee spread soothing cream over his sore nose and grimaced. “Yeah, you’re prob’ly right. I should just sit here and suffer in silence.” Picking up his pen, he focused blearily on his paperwork. “JJ is SO gonna pay for this; I will get my revenge if it’s the last thing I do.”

The End

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, ryo maclean, jj adams, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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