More Help Needed Please!

Jun 14, 2014 17:02

Hello again, my wonderful f-list, I come seeking help again ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, question, help needed, real life, torchwood

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lexxiescott June 26 2014, 18:02:31 UTC
Good luck with the CD. And the backlog of cataloguing to get to too. I know how that can be. I'm supposed to be fleshing out a novel right now, and am slowly getting there. It's a sequel and I also have proof editing to do. Work is cutting into my writing time. :)

Uh huh, and the doctor and her HR rep were both really freaked out when I told them the number. Robert and I have it hidden away so I don't accidentally give it to anyone else. I had something else come up with sixes a couple of days ago. It's really getting quite worrying.

lol, I hate it when that happens. Just one more word to get there and there's no where to put it. Editing is probably the hardest part of writing. I told Frank what I was doing with the novel proof and he just stared at me and then said that if spell check didn't get it, he would use a different word. Goof.

I watched Ghost Adventures this morning and it was intense for Zak and Nick, but not Aaron. That's unusual in itself. Normally everyone picks on Aaron. Including Zak and Nick. *Grins* Still an absolutely wicked episode. Next week, if the schedule doesn't change on me, I have three days off over a holiday weekend. Quite looking forward to that one.


badly_knitted June 26 2014, 21:00:02 UTC
OOh, three days in a row, whatever will you do with yourself with no work? LOL!

I find myself trying to edit 6s out of my wordcounts sometimes, lol! I'm mostly not superstitious, but I don't know why I just try to avoid that number as much as possible.

Missed 2 auctions yesterday trying to post my fic to LJ *sigh*

Hope you get time to work on the editing and writing. i need to do my fan_flashworks piece, and some drabbles, and edit the Miniatures fic... Tomorrow i'm gonna be busy!

Yay for a good Ghost Adventures and getting the chance to actually watch it!


lexxiescott June 27 2014, 12:09:50 UTC
Write and edit, no doubt, and keep the dogs from panicking over fireworks for the whole bloody weekend. I hate the 4th of July with a passion.

It's not a nice looking number, unless you have it written in Japanese at any rate. Then it looks like this.

Which is actually really quite pretty when written with a brush. It's said ro-ku.

Bloody fic posting on livejournal.

I managed four chapters yesterday of redrafting, so that's something. And about ten pages proofing on the other book. That led to a headache, so now my stomach is a bit sour. I'm managing to eat though, so it'll be better in a bit.

Good luck getting all your things written, edited and posted. I just know how hard posting is so I can really feel your pain on that one.


badly_knitted June 27 2014, 14:46:50 UTC
Four left to post. I didn't get any editing done yesterday because of the posting nightmare again. Today's fic was a short one so there weren't any
real problems.

My stomach's a bit hit and miss at the moment, blaming stress and cold, wet weather. Summer's vanished, hailstorms forecast. I hopev eating improves your situation.

That really is a lot prettier than the English version!

Ugh! Fireworks may be pretty, but the noise and pollution are not good. Hope the pets aren't too badly affected.


lexxiescott June 27 2014, 23:29:18 UTC
Posting problems are such a pain to have to deal with. You always know exactly what you want and how you want the piece to look, and then the stupid site screws it all up.

It did, but I set myself back again with my bread and honey snack. Too much wheat at once, I think. Mum made the bread so I know it's safe for me to eat. Now to get you better weather so you can start feeling better. I'm not really one to talk though, it started raining and thundering around one here today and is still going. When they say rainy season, they MEAN rainy season.

Isn't it?

Monty and I spent an hour hiding in my parents' closet today to get him away from the thunder. I have a feeling we'll be back in there next Friday too. He doesn't like anything that makes a loud bang. Car backfire, gun shot, fireworks, or thunder. It's all the same and scary to him. The other animals are cool about it, fortunately. Monty is about all I can stand.


badly_knitted June 28 2014, 09:21:46 UTC
Poor Monty! Spending time in the closet doesn't sound fun at all.

I got the editing and headers done for the final three parter, the miniatures fic. I hope I can get my fan_flashworks fic written today, when I've done today's posting and cross-posting. One fic today, two fills tomorrow and the final section in two parts on the 30th, plus posting my blackout to the site. That's the plan anyway!

Still haven't had breakfast yet *rolls eyes* I cooked fish fingers last night, came back to edit and they burnt, set the fire alarm off! They were rather... crispy, but I ate them anyway. Charcoal is supposed to be good for the digetion, lol!

Hope the thunder stays away for a while to give you and Monty a chance to recover. Today is chilly and damp again. Can't do laundry because until we get dry weather I have no way of drying it with the heating off. =(


lexxiescott June 30 2014, 21:36:57 UTC
It's really not, and he's started shaking so badly with the thunder that not even the closet is enough to settle him down. My folks are outside, so I've got music playing loudly right now in an attempt to block the sounds for him.

I saw the fics you got posted today. It looks like you were able to get a bunch posted today. :) One of these days I'll have time to catch up with your writing. *sighs*

Crispy fish fingers can be good, but setting off the fire alarm is shocking. I always hate it when those things go off. Hope they settled for you.

We can set our watches by the afternoon storms down here. We've also got a tropical storm forming on the other side of the state. It doesn't look like it's going to make it this far west before it turns north, but it's possible we could get some storm activity out of it. Atlantic storms aren't much of a concern for us, but Gulf storms could hit here and cause some major damage. Chances of hurricanes go up each month until the end of September. October can be bad, but it's usually slowing down by then.

Hope you're staying warm and comfortable. Chilly and rain are no fun at all.


badly_knitted July 1 2014, 10:13:36 UTC
I'm wearing woolly jumpers and extra soxks - it's colder indoors than out! =(

Poor Moty, I wish there was some way to explain that storms won't harm him, but maybe it's the subsonics in the rumbling unsettling his nerves.

When the fire alarm went wrong, I thought there was something wrong with my CD player, i kept adjusting the volume trying to make the horrible screeching go away, lol! Then I remembedred ther fish fingers when I smelled something *rolls eyes* I'm a genius sometimes!

I managed to get everything posted on the schedule I set myself, not just got to wait and see what (if anything) happens. No activity on the community since April is worrying.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that the tropical storms do a wide detour around you ;)


lexxiescott July 1 2014, 22:15:31 UTC
Oh my lord, it should not be that chilly in July. You guys need summer bad.

It might be. I've been reading up on dogs and thunderstorms because we're in a place that gets a TON of them, and they say that most dogs that are frightened by thunder will also be afraid of fireworks, so it could well be something in the harmonics or echoes produced by them.

Logical first thought, but unfortunately not right. We have two types in the house. One that does a long, shrill alarm and one that repeats the word "fire, get out" over and over and over again. That one annoys me.

Since April? Wow, that is a long time for a community to go without activity. Still, I'm really glad you were able to get all your fics posted on schedule.

We have our first named storm of the Atlantic season. TS Arthur is making its way up the eastern seaboard. It's possible we're going to get wind and rain from it, but nothing to worry about. I do need to figure out which team I'm on at work. Either at the hospital for the storm, or after the storm. Unfortunately we don't get to stay home unless we're the sole caretaker for an elderly parent. I honestly think I'd rather be home than there so I can help my folks, but I don't know. Have to remember to ask John about that when I see him next.


badly_knitted July 2 2014, 11:05:15 UTC
I forgot that as hospital security you're part of the emergency services! I guess that would mean you'd be on call for weather-related emergencies. With elderly parents though, you might get special dispensation to stay home and help them. You can hope for that anyway.

It's warmer today - outside anyway. I'm getting thr laundry dry - I hope!

It's not the best-run bingo, I just hope they come out oh hiding soon!

Our alarm is really strident, almost painful, but definitely loud!


lexxiescott July 4 2014, 10:55:22 UTC
Yep, unfortunately. It's because there's always looting after storms and we also will shelter families of employees that are stationed at the hospital during the storm. I really need to just ask Sherre about teams and see if John has even created them this time around.

Hope the laundry got dry and you still have heat hanging around. I would seriously send you some of ours if I could work out a way to do it. I'd hoped the fringe of the now hurricane would send us some cooler air, but none of it reached beyond a pretty major thunderstorm yesterday, I think it was. Maybe the day before that.

Me too. It sucks when comms like that go dead with no warning.

Loud is good. lol. Except when you're dead asleep and it jars you awake. There's always that second of "what the hell?" before you realize what it is. Of course, Mum and I have the same reaction of annoyance at the fire alarm.


badly_knitted July 4 2014, 15:25:53 UTC
Well, I hope you can find out where you're supposed to be before a hurricane comes along. It's much better to know in advance instead of trying to find outy in the middle of an emergency situation.

Laundry isn'y completely dry, I didn't put it out today because rain is forecast. So naturally, it's stayed dry. Typicasl. It's been a bit warmer but windy, which makes it feel cooler. Can't win sometimes.

My sister bought me a little cream cake! A blackcurrant tart topped with cream! She also bought the fruit so it shouldn't be all bruised this week. Had to throw away half of what Collin got last week, it got so bruised it started going mouldy with a couple of days.


lexxiescott July 4 2014, 16:29:11 UTC
If I can remember, I'll ask Monday. Fortunately it's only for a few months, and the chance of a hurricane this year is lower than normal.

Phooey on the weather. The laundry needs to be dry. I'm glad it didn't rain on the laundry though. That's just a mess to have to deal with. Warmer is good, but the wind could stand to die down, it sounds like. We're hot, humid, and still right now. The thunderstorms have been hitting overnight, so we don't get that brief respite in the middle of the day.

What a lovely treat. :) Sounds tasty. I hope it settles for you. And the fruit too. That's awesome. You can't bruise fruit, it just doesn't work. I've got some melon in the fridge for tomorrow. That's going to be a nice treat. :)


badly_knitted July 4 2014, 18:18:25 UTC
I do too! Yummm melon! Also peaches, Donut Peaches, Nectarines and cherries, yay! I managed to salvage something edible from a few of the old donut peaches that were going off, there were three that were mostly okay so I ate the good off those and threw all the rest out for composting.

The little cream cake was very nice =)

I shouldn't, but I'm stuffing myself with dry roasted peanuts. i've always been a little addicted to them, since the first time I tried them.

How unhelpful of the weather, storming at night instead of during the day when you really need it. the weather needs to get organised! It's raining here now, I had the window open so it started coming in. Now the window is shut =( It was quite nice before the rain with the breeze blowing through. I do wish I'd hung the laundry out this morning though, it might have dried.


lexxiescott July 4 2014, 21:38:17 UTC
Oooh, yum, that sounds like an awesome meal for the day. I should look and see what else my Mum left me in the fridge. I don't want to have to shop until Sunday if I can put it off. I really would like to be able to dedicate tomorrow to just writing if I can manage it.

i do the same with almonds whenever we have them in the house. They're just so tasty. :)

Uh huh, it really does. Of course, down here organization for the weather means a hurricane, so we don't want it too organized. *Grins* At least the first one in the Atlantic this year went up the coast away from up. It sucks for the upper Eastern seaboard, but we're hot and dry here.


badly_knitted July 5 2014, 12:08:21 UTC
I adore almonds, I've always got some around. I'll be opening a packet when I've finished the peanuts(it was a big bag) Also got dried cranberries =)

So much fruit! I think I have to eat my melon today instead of tomorrow, so for the auction I'll prepare myself a mix of other fruits =)

I found the Ametrine! I'll wait a little to send that until you've had a chance to research, see if I've got anything else in my stash that you could use. I've got so many there's more than enough to share and there doesn't seem much point posting something so small on its own.


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