More Help Needed Please!

Jun 14, 2014 17:02

Hello again, my wonderful f-list, I come seeking help again ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, question, help needed, real life, torchwood

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badly_knitted June 18 2014, 08:44:32 UTC
I know people who can't stand reading present tense, especially in long stories. Mine actually covers the entire first two seasons, but it's in present tense throughout, lol!

Only wrote one fic yesterday, and it was a hard one to write because of the way I wanted it to read. I was juggling tenses and switching paragraphs around forever and it's only 1300 or so words. Got there in the end. Also set up a text doc. with the community's posting templates and started filling in the fics that are posted. Tested it this morning anf it's working. That'll save time in the long run.

Today I want to start on the Coat fic if I have time, but my prioity is dividing the massive 13000+ word fic into four parts and getting titles and headers sorted, editing where I need to because there are three other fics n the same AU as that which come AFTER it, so it has to be posted before I post them. I currently have 5 fics ready for posting, but then I could really do with getting the 4-parter up. Busy busy, and it's my eye test tomorrow if I feel up to it!

Weird days can be fun, but frustrating.


lexxiescott June 19 2014, 13:37:19 UTC
I think it's because present tense is so rare of a form for story telling, people just don't know what to make of it and it bothers them to the point they won't read it. I find it harder to understand, but can get there in the end.

Oh, don't you have it when a story just fights with you the whole time you're trying to write it out? I just put in the proof order for the Sherlock Holmes novel that was doing that to me. That's awesome that they've got a template set up to save you guys time when you're posting. :)

Good luck with the dividing and sorting on your miniatures fic. I'm guessing that's the huge one. :) I think it's awesome that you have so much to post this month. Productivity is just win. It's just a pain to get everything up, isn't it?

Weird days are just frustrating at times. *sighs* I don't know what it is about Robert and me that attracts them, but we're like three for three now.


badly_knitted June 19 2014, 14:22:55 UTC
I had to copy the template into a document 25 times, once for each story, now I'll need to fill in title, the URL link, summary etc for each one. I can't do html coding myself so it really help that I can just copy & paste what I need then replace the example text with the details of my own fics. It's still a big job, but now I've got it all set up in a word document, once I post the final fic and fill in its details on the document, I'll just need to copy & paste that and post it.

I started the Coat-fic, but Im don't like what I've written. Might save thast for another time and stasrt over. I still have time - just, I think. I re-ecited the Plays one and divided it in 4 - one part of 681 words, 2 of over 2000 words, one of over 7000 words o_O The Miniatures one is still with the beta, which is worrying. The first part is ready to go, but the last 2 parts still need work and I'm running low on time, i'll just have to get everything else up first.

You two must combine to give off a vibe that attractys weirdness, lol!


lexxiescott June 19 2014, 20:21:33 UTC
Okay, wow, that's a lot of work. It does sound like it'll be easier to post them up that way though.

I forgot about the plays fic. *headdesk* So you have two longish ones that have to be posted. I bet the beta is just busy and doing their best to read/edit as they can. Good luck getting everything posted. I know how long and trying that process can be, especially here on lj.

We must. He's transferring to engineering at the end of the month, so he'll still be around, just not as much as he is now. I'm glad we're not losing him completely. That'd be sad.


badly_knitted June 19 2014, 22:02:50 UTC
It's a lot of work if you're trying to do it at the lsst minute. Preparing ahead of time makes it eeasier and if I save a copy without anything filled in, if I do this bingo again I'll be set =)

Yeah, two big ones and the Plays fic has three sequels too, lol! Well, two at the moment because I haven't written the third yet.

I know my beta will get it done in time, it's just a case of juggling what to post when.

I've re-stared the Coat fic, trying something else. I think this is more what I wanted; the other one can be finished another time, it'll be longer than the new version is likely to be.

Oh no, you definitely don't want to lose him! He sounds good fun.


lexxiescott June 20 2014, 10:53:04 UTC
Oh, isn't it just? I always maintain that if I ever get to the point where my novels are really popular and I can afford it, I'm going to hire someone to do the formatting for me. I don't mind the editing and I love the writing part, but I hate the bloody formatting. Drives me batty at best.

It sounds like your ideas are having little bunnies for stories. Hopefully you can keep up with all of them.

Good luck with the coat fic. It sounds like it's trying to be difficult for you right now. Then again, if it's the coat I think it is, it would be difficult just because of who it belongs to.

Robert is a blast. They all are, well, except creepy guy, but I think he's going to post back north here in another week.


badly_knitted June 20 2014, 14:27:13 UTC
I already have about 10 unfinished fics from before I started the bingo. What's a few more?

I have to format just to post on LJ, which is enough of a pain since when I copy & paste my fic into the posting window, it removes all the line breaks. The LOOK like they're still there, but if I don't add huge gaps, there's no space between paragraphs at all *rolls eyes*

I fiddled about a bit with the coat fic this morning, will continue writing this evening hopefully. Think I'll post the next fic soon, then do a bit of work on the headers for the four parts of the 'Plays' fic. Still got to decide on titles. I'm pretty sure I'm calling the first one 'Beginnings' because it's the start of their friendship and the start of their interest in becoming actors. Not sure about the other three yet. I thought of calling the last one The Play's The Thing, but they're in Romeo and Juliet, not the other Shakespearean play that the line's from, lol!

Hopefully you can bid adieu to creepy guy soon!


lexxiescott June 21 2014, 21:21:04 UTC
That's kinda how I feel about it. I gave up on trying not to start new stories a long time ago. I've lost way too many good ideas. Better to have them in progress than lost forever.

LJ is a pain to post on. It's a reason I have so few fics on here these days. I get sick of trying to format them.

Titles for fics can be a pain. I hate coming up with them so much. Good luck getting the play fic posted. Does sound like the coat fic is making progress for you.

Creepy guy, it turns out, is posted to downtown for pretty much the whole of July at this point. But it also turns out that he's really super nice, too. So I'm not nearly as worried about working with him now. It's weird how people can give you a totally wrong first impression like that. He's still sort of creepy, but I think that's just how he is. At least I'll have Sherre back soon. I really miss working with her, and the pair of us work really well together.


badly_knitted June 21 2014, 22:37:16 UTC
The Coat fic is sort of finished, I might try to fluff it up a bit though. It was exactly 1000 words, but I added a bit to the end. It's what I wanted though, I'm using the title of Guy Clark's song - Like A Coat From The Cold. Love that song, it inspired the fic =)

I'm always making notes for stories and writing bits of them - got lots of snippets in notebooks as well as the officially started fics! After the bingo is done I'll still have plenty to work on!

Good that creepy guy is nice and less creepy!


lexxiescott June 22 2014, 21:57:32 UTC
Isn't it always odd and fun when a story comes out to a word count like an even thousand or, in my case, 60606. I dunno what's up with that one. I weighed myself the other day. 166.6. I'm seriously starting to be a bit freaked out.

Awesome that the fic worked out for you in the end. Song inspired fics are always fun to write, especially when they turn out to be close onto or exactly what you wanted.

Sounds like you really will. I'm not actively watching anything other than Ghost Adventures and AfterShocks and I can't do fic for them. I really need to get to work on some of my fic pieces, but I'm so focused on my novels it's sort of hard. I just know that when I finally watch AoS that I'll be hit hard with new bunnies.

Yeah, it was a nice surprise. Duncan asked me how it went with him yesterday and I was happy to say fine. It's like having a father watching over you at work. Duncan is just a sweetie, but I'd want him next to me if things went bad. He said the same thing about me today, which made me blush.


badly_knitted June 22 2014, 22:31:03 UTC
Eeep! That's too many sixes! I had one come out at 9999 words once, lol! Just could not get that last word to make an even 10,000. The coat fic is going down well, it's only a little over 1000 words, but I'm happy with the end result. Written most of the last fic today. Some fine-tuning to do and it needs an ending too...

Bugger, just missed the auction I was waiting on, lol! No one bought it, so it might get re-listed. I'm always doing that, getting distracted by emails! Ah well, better luck next time!

Sounds like you're really lucky with your colleagues! I'm so pleased for you =)


lexxiescott June 24 2014, 21:50:57 UTC
I pulled out a parking permit today, for a doctor joining the hospital, and it was 0666. I said "I'm not giving you that one" and put it back and everyone just looked at me. They all got it when I told them what the number is. I'm seriously getting worried about all these sixes showing up in my life.

Oh my lord, that's funny and frustrating at the same time. I think I would have found a place for a "the" or something just to get it evened out.

Distraction by e-mail is a dangerous thing. :) Hope it does get relisted for you next week or soon in the future, at any rate.

I'm so lucky with these boys. They make work a pleasure, even when people around us are being stupid or frustrating.


badly_knitted June 24 2014, 22:09:35 UTC
Item is re-listed already. i know it's a CD but I can't remember... Oh, yes I can, Mickey Newbury. Hopefully I won't get distracted this time, they don't come up at a reasonable price very often. I have a backlog of cataloguing to do, stacks of CDs. Haven't had tome with all the writing.

Goodness, that Doctor was lucky you didn't give him that permit - it would have freaked me out, I'm not fond of 6 anyway. 13 doesn't bother me, but... *wibble*

I tried, but I couldn't find anywhere to add even a 'the'. It's like that sometimes, lol! I edited a story today and managed to add over 500 words, lol! It needed a better ending than the one it had.

Not long before you get a day off again, I think. Something to look forward to!


lexxiescott June 26 2014, 18:02:31 UTC
Good luck with the CD. And the backlog of cataloguing to get to too. I know how that can be. I'm supposed to be fleshing out a novel right now, and am slowly getting there. It's a sequel and I also have proof editing to do. Work is cutting into my writing time. :)

Uh huh, and the doctor and her HR rep were both really freaked out when I told them the number. Robert and I have it hidden away so I don't accidentally give it to anyone else. I had something else come up with sixes a couple of days ago. It's really getting quite worrying.

lol, I hate it when that happens. Just one more word to get there and there's no where to put it. Editing is probably the hardest part of writing. I told Frank what I was doing with the novel proof and he just stared at me and then said that if spell check didn't get it, he would use a different word. Goof.

I watched Ghost Adventures this morning and it was intense for Zak and Nick, but not Aaron. That's unusual in itself. Normally everyone picks on Aaron. Including Zak and Nick. *Grins* Still an absolutely wicked episode. Next week, if the schedule doesn't change on me, I have three days off over a holiday weekend. Quite looking forward to that one.


badly_knitted June 26 2014, 21:00:02 UTC
OOh, three days in a row, whatever will you do with yourself with no work? LOL!

I find myself trying to edit 6s out of my wordcounts sometimes, lol! I'm mostly not superstitious, but I don't know why I just try to avoid that number as much as possible.

Missed 2 auctions yesterday trying to post my fic to LJ *sigh*

Hope you get time to work on the editing and writing. i need to do my fan_flashworks piece, and some drabbles, and edit the Miniatures fic... Tomorrow i'm gonna be busy!

Yay for a good Ghost Adventures and getting the chance to actually watch it!


lexxiescott June 27 2014, 12:09:50 UTC
Write and edit, no doubt, and keep the dogs from panicking over fireworks for the whole bloody weekend. I hate the 4th of July with a passion.

It's not a nice looking number, unless you have it written in Japanese at any rate. Then it looks like this.

Which is actually really quite pretty when written with a brush. It's said ro-ku.

Bloody fic posting on livejournal.

I managed four chapters yesterday of redrafting, so that's something. And about ten pages proofing on the other book. That led to a headache, so now my stomach is a bit sour. I'm managing to eat though, so it'll be better in a bit.

Good luck getting all your things written, edited and posted. I just know how hard posting is so I can really feel your pain on that one.


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