Title: Unfair
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Dee has overheard something that’s annoyed him.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Boondoggle’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
“You’ll never guess what I just overheard,” Dee said, perching himself on the edge of Ryo’s desk in the small office they shared. “That slimy bastard Rose is talkin’ about wantin’ to have new offices built.”
Ryo looked up from his paperwork. “Who for?”
“Himself and the NYPD’s other top brass. And I’m not talkin’ about just renovatin’ an old buildin’ either; he wants purpose built. Claims he’s tired of havin’ to work outta the two-seven, like he couldn’t commandeer any office he wants in any precinct. Y’know what chaps my ass? We were promised a newbuild after our old station house got bombed outta existence, and instead we got shoved in here. Now he thinks he should get a brand-new, purpose-built office block, probably with all mod cons, and air-conditionin’ that actually works, and you know damn well who’d be expected to foot the bill: the taxpayer. That means people like you and me.”
“That sounds a bit unfair.”
“A bit? If he wants new offices, he should haveta pay for ‘em outta his own pocket. It’s not like he couldn’t afford to. Hell, he’ll probably want a gigantic statue of himself standin’ in the atrium, like he’s some kinda benefactor, gettin’ honoured for his charitable works.” Dee scowled at the floor.
“The appropriations committee would never authorise anything like that,” Ryo said.
“You talkin’ about the statue or the offices?”
“Either. Both. If the NYPD can’t afford to employ more personnel when we’re understaffed, there’s no way there’d be money available for a massive project like that.”
“You sure ‘bout that? In my experience, the people holdin’ the purse strings are happy enough to shell out for luxuries at the expense of the necessities. They’re rich; they don’t live in the same world as the rest of us.”
The End