Title: The Losing Side
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Bikky.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Bikky’s college basketball career hasn’t gotten off to a good start.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Debut’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Bikky’s first game playing with his college team wasn’t exactly an impressive debut. Okay, so it was just the pre-season opener, and maybe he shouldn’t have been expecting too much, but even so, he felt let down.
His team had lost, badly, their opponents winning by such a huge margin that Bikky had wanted to crawl under the bleachers and hide. Not that the loss had been his fault, he hadn’t done anything wrong. Truth was, he’d hardly done anything at all, only getting to play in the last ten minutes, and he’d managed to help narrow the points gap a little, but still… Sitting on the sidelines and watching his team losing had been tough.
College basketball wasn’t like high school, that was for sure. It was taken even more seriously, and the calibre of players was a lot higher. Bikky had been used to being a starter, playing until the closing minutes when, if the team had been far enough ahead, some of the younger players had been given a chance to prove themselves. Now, he was one of the newbies, waiting and watching helplessly as scoring opportunities were missed and penalties were called against his teammates, positive he could do better.
They hadn’t been anywhere near as prepared for the game as they should have been, totally outclassed by their opponents, and it made Bikky wonder if he would have any chance at all to impress major league scouts. How could any player expect to shine in a team where no one seemed to know what the hell they were doing?
Then the coach gathered everyone together in the locker-room to yell at them, no happier about the team’s performance than Bikky had been. Still, it was the first pre-season game; surely they could only get better.
The End