Drabble: Illuminated

Jun 10, 2014 16:28

Title: Illuminated

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Owen, Maggie

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 316 - Reverse Fandom - How I Met Your Mother at tw100

Spoilers: A Day In The Death.

Summary: Owen and Maggie watch the lightshow created by the Pulse.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Title used is ‘Symphony Of Illumination’

Illuminated... )

fic, torchwood fic, tw100, other character/s, owen harper, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 18

awieatti June 10 2014, 17:54:52 UTC
Beautiful! I loved that scene too, although it was so sad :')


badly_knitted June 10 2014, 22:13:00 UTC
Thank you! The prompt was just so perfect for that scene, it's fun when I get inspired with a canon drabble!


asia27 June 10 2014, 19:16:26 UTC
Lovely... I thought this was Owen's turning point in accepting his condition, albeit reluctantly. There's really not a lot of Owen stories that I've seen and I don't see him and Ianto or Jack ever getting together. Owen sometimes has all the charm of a porcupine firing off its quills in a hissy fit.


badly_knitted June 10 2014, 22:19:00 UTC
He's prickly because of losing Katie, it left severe emotional scars, but if they ever healed I think he could be a good husband and father given half a chance.

I don't often write canon living-dead Owen, but the prompt made me think of this scene and I just had to write it. I think you're right, this is where Owen decided that life was still worth living even for a dead man.

Thank you!


bluelilacs June 10 2014, 22:36:27 UTC
I like Owen like this, showing his compassionate, human side. It's really too bad the writers didn't let him start thawing earlier in the series and let him and Tosh get together. Instead they had to throw a doomed relationship with Diane at him. Tosh would have been so much better for him.


badly_knitted June 11 2014, 10:08:55 UTC
I perefer to think that Diane found the chinks in Owen's armour which led to him being able to start operning up to Tosh.

One of the things that annoyed me most about Torchweood was the way the 'background characters' (Owen, Tosh, Ianto) remained largely unexplored until they were about to be killed, then suddenly we learn things about them just so we'll feel sad when they're killed. They should have been given more screen time and backstory from the start, by the only one to be thoroughly explored was Gwen and there was absoluely nothing of any interest in her story. Ordinary woman, ordinary boyfriend, ordinary life, dull, dull, dull. What a waste of the potential of three great characters.

Thank you.


bluelilacs June 11 2014, 18:51:38 UTC
You're probably right ( ... )


badly_knitted June 11 2014, 22:49:08 UTC
I completely agree on all counts.

Diane was her own woman, independent and capable. She didn't need Owen. That kind of self-confidence is sexy as hell, it's no wonder Owsen was drawn to her. Tosh is hust not the type to put herself in the limelight, but i do believe she's still be a magtch for Owen. Her confidence is of a quieter, less showy variety, but it's still there, it's just easier to ignore.

Gwen just isn't a nice person, I find it impossible to feel any sympathy for her, the way she treats other people it's a miracle anyone can stand to be around her.


jsks June 11 2014, 00:38:22 UTC
It remains one of my favorite Owen moments and yet oddly it also remains one of the top I loathe RTD ,with his head full of nothing but saint Gwen, because he never recognized what am amazing group of actors who did so much with so little.
End of rant. Great story.


badly_knitted June 11 2014, 10:12:08 UTC
I agree completely - he had three brilliant actors, but focussed on the mediocre one playing the unrelentingly dull, ordinary character instead of using Burn, Naoko and Gareth to their full potential and exploring the wondefully layered characters they played. What a waste!

hank you!


too_beauty June 11 2014, 02:10:17 UTC
Beautiful! and as people say "When you have lost everything, you still have hope!"


badly_knitted June 11 2014, 10:13:29 UTC
Owen and Maggie just lost their hope for a while, then found it again in an unexpected place.

Thank you!


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