Title: Spreading The Word
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Ryo, Ted, Drake, Dee.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 348: Pass It On at
Spoilers/Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: There’s a big event on, and someone has to make sure everyone hears about it…
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.
Heading out of the precinct, Ryo stopped Ted. “Glad I caught you. Dee’s having a barbecue at his place tonight, eight o’clock; everyone’s invited. Bring your own beer. Pass it on to the others?”
“Sure thing, Ryo.”
“Thanks, Ted. See you there!”
It was Dee’s day off, and since he’d be busy getting everything set up, as well as picking up the meat he’d ordered, he was relying on Ryo to let their friends know about the summer’s first barbecue. Unfortunately, Ryo had just gotten a lead in a big case he and Dee were working, and was rushing to meet up with his informant. He was taking the squad’s newest detective with him as backup, but had no idea how long he’d be out.
It would’ve been easier to text everyone the barbecue details, but he’d left his personal phone at Dee’s, and the Chief was strict about not using work mobiles for personal business. At least now Ted would take care of spreading the word.
Later, arriving back at the precinct, Ryo was surprised when Drake stopped him.
“Barbecue at Dee’s, eight o’clock. Ted says to pass it on.”
Ryo laughed. “I know. Who d’you think told Ted?”
The End