FAKE Ficlet: Believer

Apr 28, 2023 18:27

Title: Believer
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Mother, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: Before and during the manga.
Summary: Dee has learned the importance of belief.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 679: Belief at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Belief was something that had been instilled in Dee from an early age, which wasn’t so surprising considering he’d grown up in a Catholic orphanage, looking to a nun for answers to all his questions about the world. Despite her vocation, Mother hadn’t explained everything in terms of God; she understood science and evolution, and therefore made sure the children under her care were taught such things as a matter of course, but she was also a deeply religious and spiritual woman.

Dee had started attending church every Sunday with Mother and the older kids as soon as he was considered old enough to behave in an acceptable manner, even if that had often meant he’d fallen asleep during the sermon. Still, all those Sundays had inspired in him a belief in a strict but kind and caring God, who looked down on his children with the same long-suffering and sometimes exasperated affection that Mother displayed. That was the God Dee placed his faith and trust in, and his belief still held strong even after the tragic deaths of Arnon and Jess.

It helped that he believed in God and heaven, because that way he could trust that both his friend and the man who’d been the closest thing to a father he’d ever known had gone to a better place. That they hadn’t just ended, their lives cut short and with nothing to look forward to. He could believe they were watching over him from heaven, an unlikely pair of guardian angels helping to keep him safe.

Even after joining the police force and seeing all the terrible things that people could do to each other, Dee clung to his faith. He silently prayed for the soul of each murder victim, prayed for help to locate kidnapped children, prayed for the strength he needed to deal with the stresses of his job.

Not that he expected God to fix everything for him. Mother had taught him the importance of self-belief as well, that God would always be there for him but that he needed to take responsibility for his life and his actions, and learn to do things for himself. He’d worked hard to get the qualifications he needed in order to enter the police academy, and harder still to graduate near the top of his class.

Okay, maybe he didn’t always follow the rules as completely as he should, but he was a good cop, and put everything he’d got into catching criminals. He tried to be honest, and to set a good example, but he never claimed to be perfect.

Maybe that was why he was so drawn to Ryo. Good as Dee tried to be, his partner was a better man and a better cop than he’d ever be. He made Dee want to be more, just to be worthy of his friendship. Ryo was everything Dee had ever wanted, and someday Dee was determined to win his heart. All he had to do was believe.

The End

fic, fake fic, mother maria lane, slashthedrabble, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, ficlet, other character/s, fic: pg

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