FAKE Ficlet: Childhood Hobby

Mar 17, 2023 17:12

Title: Childhood Hobby
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Ryo’s living with Dee now, but he hasn’t unpacked everything yet.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 682: Collect at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Two weeks after moving in with Dee, there were still a few sealed boxes stacked against one wall. In the room that would be Bikky’s whenever he was home from college there were a lot more, but those were filled with the boy’s things. These four were Ryo’s.

The important things had been unpacked right away: Clothes, shoes, toiletries, kitchenware, since Ryo was a man who loved to cook, and Dee’s kitchen was rather sparsely equipped. Then there’d been books, CDs, DVDs, bedding to fit the massive king-sized double that had once belonged to Ryo’s parents.

There’d even been a few framed pictures and some ornamental knick-knacks, including the chrysanthemum stone that had been on display in Ryo’s old apartment. According to Ryo, it was supposed to radiate harmony and promote a happy home, although Dee had never noticed much in the way of harmony when he and Bikky had been in the same room.

“You ever gonna finish unpackin’?” Dee asked, glancing over at the small stack as he and Ryo cleared the dishes away after dinner one evening. “Or are ya holdin’ those back so you’ll have less to pack in case ya change your mind about livin’ with me?”

Ryo laughed. “You’re not seriously worried I might, are you? I’m here, and I’ve never been happier. I’m not going anywhere, unless you change your mind about wanting me here.”

“Never gonna happen.” That was one thing Dee was absolutely sure of. It had taken him long enough to win Ryo’s heart in the first place; now he had everything he wanted, there was no way he was ever going to lose the man he loved, not if he could help it. “So how come those boxes are still sittin’ there unopened?”

“I don’t know what to do with what’s in them, whether to keep it all here, put it in storage, or get rid of it. Most of it’s stuff from when I was a kid: report cards, a few trophies, old birthday and Christmas cards, postcards my parents sent when they were on their buying trips. Oh, and my stamp collection.”

“You collect stamps?” Dee grinned at his lover.

“I used to. I think it was the postcards that started it. I got interested in the stamps on them, so mom and dad started bringing some back for me every time they went on a trip. Then I really got into it, started buying from a mail order place. Got sent a selection every month, kept the ones I wanted and returned the rest with payment. Did that for a few years, then I must’ve lost interest, or the company went out of business. I don’t remember. Anyway, I’ve still got all my albums. I was gonna give them to Bikky, but he wasn’t interested so they’ve just been packed away for the past few years.”

“You should get them out. No point havin’ a collection if ya can’t enjoy it.”

Ryo smiled. “Maybe I will.”

The End

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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