FAKE Double Drabble: Untidy

Feb 05, 2023 16:44

Title: Untidy
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Bikky.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 332: Order at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: Early in the manga.
Summary: Young kids are impossibly messy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.

Ryo took one look at the clothes and toys strewn around Bikky’s bedroom and sighed. “Didn’t you promise you were going to clean up in here?” he asked the boy, who was sprawled face down on his unmade bed, reading a comic.

Bikky looked up at him, all wide, innocent blue eyes. “I did clean. I dusted stuff, and I vacuumed.”

“But you left your clothes all over the floor. How do you find anything?”

“I look.”

“Do you even know which are clean and which need washing?”

“Um…” Bikky frowned at the clothes scattered across the floor. “I had everything sorted until I cleaned.”

It was impossible for Ryo not to laugh at that.

“Come on, let’s tidy this mess up. All your clothes will have to be washed, and while the laundry’s on we can try to put the rest of your things into some sort of order. I bought all these shelves and cupboards for a reason, so you’d have somewhere to keep things instead of leaving them all over the floor.”

Now it was Bikky’s turn to sigh. “But putting stuff away takes so long!”

“I know, but I bet we’ll find things you’ve forgotten about.”

The End

fic, fake fic, drabble_weekly, bikky, ryo maclean, fake, drabble, fic: g

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