Double Drabble: Nobody Will Know

Jan 28, 2023 17:32

Title: Nobody Will Know
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 745: Temptation at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto knows stealing is wrong, but shoplifting isn’t the same thing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

It’s wrong to steal, Ianto’s parents have drummed that into him and his big sister since they were old enough to understand, but his tad’s job at Debenhams barely brings in enough to pay the bills, and what his mam earns working as a dinner lady at the local primary school doesn’t help much.

Ianto didn’t even get pocket money last month; every penny was needed to pay for repairs to his tad’s car, so that sucks. Especially since it’s his mam’s birthday next week and Ianto wanted to get her something nice.

Besides, it’s not like he’s never shoplifted before, because everyone does it. All of his friends do, and it’s not the same as stealing because it’s small stuff, just sweets, CDs, and makeup for their girlfriends, stuff like that. The big stores can afford it.

The pendant is pretty. It’s not valuable or anything, priced at just under three quid, and there’s a whole bunch so one won’t be missed. Ianto knows his mam would like it. Giving in to temptation, he slips two off the rack together, looks at them, and puts one back, letting the other slip up his sleeve.

No one will ever know.

The End

fic, torchwood fic, tw100, torchwood100, drabble, ianto jones, fic: pg

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