FAKE Quadruple Drabble: Awkward Situation

Jan 17, 2023 16:49

Title: Awkward Situation
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Bikky, Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: This time it’s Dee who’s done something stupid.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Yank’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

Already turning the handle, Bikky paused at his bedroom door, his eyes going wide. Ryo and Dee knew he was in here, right? He’d been home three days already; they couldn’t have forgotten. Nevertheless, he could hear Dee’s voice out in the apartment’s main living space, and… he didn’t like to imagine what his dad’s partner might be talking about.

“Just give it a good, hard yank!”

“Dee!” It sounded like Ryo was snickering. “I don’t want to damage anything!”

“Not carin’ too much about that right now,” Dee replied breathlessly. “I’m dyin’ here!”

“It’s your own fault,” Ryo gasped, then… “It’s no good, I can’t do this alone.”

Footsteps approached Bikky’s door and there was a tentative knock. “Bikky? Are you up?”

So they did know he was here. “Just about. Why?”

“Dee’s gotten himself in a bit of a predicament; I could use some help.” Yes, Ryo was definitely snickering about something.

“Why? What’s he done now?” If Ryo was asking for help, then whatever they were up to couldn’t be of an adult nature.

“He’s sort of got himself wedged behind the sideboard.”

“What?” Bikky opened the door; this he had to see. Sure enough, when he stepped into the living room, there was Dee, twisted sideways, one arm and shoulder, plus part of his chest, jammed between the back of the sideboard and the wall. It almost looked like his head was growing out of the top. “How’d you manage that, genius?”

Dee flushed with embarrassment, glaring at Ryo. “You just had to involve the brat, didn’t you?”

“I need another pair of hands. You know how heavy this thing is!” Ryo turned to Bikky. “He lost his wallet down the back while I was in the shower, moved the sideboard a few inches, decided that was far enough for him to reach, and squeezed into the gap.”

“I still can’t reach my damned wallet, and it’s gettin’ hard to breathe, so if you two are done laughin’ at me…”

“I already took a photo,” Ryo reassured his son. “The guys at work would never believe me otherwise. They think I’M the airhead.”

Smirking, Bikky joined Ryo and between them they pulled the sideboard away from the wall. Dee’s head vanished as he slithered downwards and hit the floor with a muffled thud.

Ryo shook his head. “That’s what you get for trying to be clever!”

The End

fic, fake fic, bikky, ryo maclean, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fic: pg

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