
May 15, 2014 18:45


angry, livejournal, argh!, real life

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lilferret May 15 2014, 19:30:23 UTC
I can't even find the friends page. At all. I saw your post on the little preview on the bottom corner. :(


badly_knitted May 15 2014, 19:49:02 UTC
I'm lucky I still have my friends page then! *hugs* The whole thing is just one nightmare after another. Why am I still paying for this crap? Oh yeah, so I can still have the paltry icon allowance I get for my 'loyalty'

Did I mention I can't access my own profile? I click on that, get a brief flash of it and then I'm on my recent entries page. And I have a JOURNAL! I don't want it called a blog, it's not a blog. Apparently, we pay to have things the way THEY want them to be, not the way WE want them.

I've had enough of this rubbish =(


lilferret May 15 2014, 19:54:19 UTC
OK, apparently I just click "feed" and I get the friends page.


badly_knitted May 15 2014, 19:58:11 UTC
Well, that's something, but WTF is a FEED! Why can't we leave it as what is a, a page to view our friends' journals?


lilferret May 15 2014, 21:21:06 UTC
I think this stems from all these social sites competing with each other. I happen to like them all to be different. After all, I use them for different things. When I want to rant or simply post a long, arduous post I use LJ. I use it to read fic, post fic, share fandom pictures and other fandom things. Twitter I use mostly to chat with my friends. Facebook I use to share information, chat a bit, laugh and funny posts, and play games. Tumblr I use to blog or share fandom photos. I don't need LJ to be like those other places. I have those other places already. That's why I don't use Dreamwidth. I have an account at the ready, but I don't use it because I have LJ.


badly_knitted May 15 2014, 22:46:07 UTC
I don't use Facebook, twitter or tumblr, I have enough accounts to keep up with as it is, lol, I'd never get anything done id I had more! I DO use my dreamwidth account though, I like it there - it's like LJ was before all the changes - but most of my friends are only here, so I need to be here despite the way the site itself keeps going downhill. I just don't get why anyone would want to change a successful journal site into a social site clone that's most likely inferior to the existing ones. It's not necessary and it's already losing a lot of users judging by the number of accounts being deleted. =(


debmommy22 May 16 2014, 02:52:35 UTC
I am still on Dreamwidth too, but if I was going to use it as my main site, I would want to pay over there and not here. I can't afford to pay for two sites. I think they know we like our icons and take advantage of that. I think I have more friends here too so I stay. One day I may change it though. We talk the most and you are on Dreamwidth. Not sure what to do? It does seem like a ghost ship around here lately.


badly_knitted May 16 2014, 11:34:12 UTC
Stick will LJ for now, I know you have other friends here and I'm not going anywhere because a lot of my other friends are only here. As much as LJ annoys me, this is where I started out in 2008 and I'll be damned if I let them drive me out while there are still sites here tha I want access to! I'm a stubborn woman and I don't like being told what I can or can't have!

*grins* I sdtand my ground these days! *hugs*


debmommy22 May 17 2014, 17:27:29 UTC
So glad you are standing your ground. I remember that from back last year I think it was when I was telling you to stand up for yourself I think about those care givers for your Mum ( ... )


badly_knitted May 17 2014, 19:11:19 UTC
I hope you and Alex have a good time, you both need a break away for a bit, a change of scene will do you both good. Just try to relax and have some fun, you deserve it you've been under so much stress the last few months *hugs*

Your profile page should list when you started your journal - mine was Dec 2008, so I've not been here as long as you have, I didn't even get on the internet until Oct 2008, lol! I'm slow to get into all these new fangled things!

I was so demoralised back just after mum's stroke, it felt like my home didn't belong to me anymore there were so many strangers coming and going. things are better now, our regular team of carers are great and they're respectful. It makes such a difference =)


debmommy22 May 17 2014, 17:34:24 UTC
Well I spoke too soon. I just looked on my profile page. It is all changed. Lots of blue and strange colored writing like you said. I had only looked at my friends page not my profile until today. How do you change it back again? I will see if I can find out what you did from the stuff you posted. I hate this!


badly_knitted May 17 2014, 19:13:35 UTC
One of my f-list posted this link to instruuctions for switching back, masybe it will help:


debmommy22 May 21 2014, 02:34:44 UTC
Oh great! Thank you! It worked. It now all looks like it used to. I didn't even realize some of it was changed until I changed it back. It was obvious on my Profile page, but harder for me to see everywhere else. The layout is what I remember now here and where I post. :)

Can't understand why they think the new style is better. This is much easier to read or maybe I am just used to it. I don't like change and LJ was the same for so many years, just didn't look right the other way and the harsh colors.


badly_knitted May 21 2014, 10:14:33 UTC
I know exactly what you mean! Glad it worked for you!

Everytime they change things it confuses mr and I struggle to do things that were easy before. Changing things for no reason makes no sense, a lot of people find changes difficult to deal with.


debmommy22 May 22 2014, 03:38:21 UTC
They think change is "improving" but not always. I have been at jobs like that where the managers would screw everything up and make it harder on the workers (me) and talk about how much better and move efficient things were. We were all like....yeah, right, why don't you do our jobs for awhile, might change your mind. So strange that I remember that. I haven't worked in so many years.


badly_knitted May 22 2014, 11:01:43 UTC
It's usually the case that the people who 'improve' products don't actually use them so really have no idea what is helpful and what is a damned nuisance that makes everything harder to use. *rolls eyes*


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