BtVS Ficlet - Broken-Hearted

Oct 21, 2022 17:48

Title: Broken-Hearted
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Cordelia, Xander, Willow, Buffy, Anya, Harmony.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 759
Spoilers: The Wish.
Summary: Cordelia is hurt and angry after Xander cheats on her with Willow. But how can she get revenge, and who is really to blame anyway?
Written For: Challenge 315: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 151: Wish.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.

Cordelia has never gotten her heart broken before; she’s always been the heartbreaker, dumping boys whenever she gets tired of them. She doesn’t like being on the receiving end, and she doesn’t understand why it hurts so much. It’s just Xander Harris, not anyone special, or rich, or good-looking. Not anyone someone like Cordelia Chase should even care about. She’s way too good for the likes of him.

Okay, he’s sort of cute in a puppydog kind of way, but it’s not like she was in love with him or anything, and if he’d broken up with her, she wouldn’t have shed a single tear. Maybe. But he didn’t, he cheated on her, with Willow of all people! The girl he’s been best friends with for, like, forever; the girl he’s always treated like one of the guys! What does that say about how he sees the girl he’s supposed to be dating? Not a whole hell of a lot. And how long has this thing between Xander and Willow even been going on? Was it just the one kiss or was it more? Thinking back, they’ve both been acting kind of weird around each other for a while now…

She’d tried at first to convince herself the agony she was feeling was because of her injury. Getting impaled hurt, a lot, but the wound was in her side, and how could a hole there make her feel like her heart was being ripped to shreds? The metal rebar hadn’t come anywhere near her chest, and yet that was where the pain was worst, and in the end she’d had to accept that her pain was more emotional than physical.

It still hurts, even though the hole in her side is healing; apparently emotional wounds take longer to heal than the physical ones. She can only wish the ache in her chest would go away. If they only made a pill for that, she’d be fine. Maybe if she could hurt Xander as much as he hurt her… Revenge is supposed to be sweet, and he needs to pay for betraying her.

At least she has her old friends to turn to, her little clique, Harmony, and Aura, and the others. They’ve been leaderless, adrift, while Cordy’s been slumming with Xander and the rest of Buffy’s gang of rejects; it’s about time Queen C took her rightful place again. She knows she’ll be welcomed with open arms, and maybe her real friends can help her plot her revenge, give Xander Harris what he deserves.

It’s great being back among the popular girls again, great being able to show them just how much she’s over… What was his name again? Great to be surrounded by girls who understand the importance of keeping up with the very latest fashion trends and designer accessories, even if they don’t know the difference between Prada and PayLess. She’s riding high again. For all of two minutes, until her so-called ‘friends’ stab her in the back, mocking her for dating Xander and getting cheated on, offering her some loser kid, not even a senior, as a replacement.

Cordy burns with embarrassment and humiliation; maybe she should have stayed home for another day, or the rest of her life. Then she pulls herself together. Who do these bitches think they are? How dare they treat her like this? She’s way better than any of them! They should be looking up to her, hanging on her every word, just like they used to!

This is what she gets for hanging with losers. She wishes she’d never even heard of Xander Harris, never mind been fool enough to date him. Her downfall is entirely his fault. Or is it? She stares across the quad to where the cause of her suffering lounges with his buds, Willow and…

Buffy Summers, Slayer, Save the World Girl. If hanging with her hadn’t made Xander seem borderline cool, Cordy would never have given him a second glance, so really if anyone’s to blame it has to be Buffy. Everything had been perfectly fine before she’d come along. The moment she’d arrived in Sunnydale was when Cordelia’s life had started to fall apart; every single bad thing that’s happened since then can be blamed on Buffy.

“Don’t you wish…” Anya, the new girl, starts, but Cordelia doesn’t let her finish whatever she’s about to say, clasping her hand around the good luck charm Anya has loaned her.

“I wish Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale.”


And just like that, everything changes…

The End

fic, cordelia chase, buffy summers, btvs, xander harris, buffy fic, fic: one-shot, willow rosenberg, anya jenkins, ficlet, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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