FAKE Quadruple Drabble: Disastrous Date

Oct 15, 2022 17:28

Title: Disastrous Date
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ted.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Ted’s much anticipated first date with the girl of his dreams didn’t exactly go to plan.
Written For: Challenge 381: Amnesty 63 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 102: Disaster.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

“How’d the big date go?” Dee asked as soon as Ted shambled into the squad room, looking like he was miles away.

After weeks of trying to get up the nerve, Ted had finally asked out Angie Malone, a pretty red-haired nurse he kept running into at the ER. To his amazement, she’d said yes, and last night was to be their first date. Everyone in the SCU knew about it because he’d been talking about little else, asking his friends what he should wear, getting restaurant recommendations, and what should he do if she invited him in for coffee?

Ted dragged himself out of his thoughts, shoulders sagging. “It was a complete disaster. When I picked her up I’d brought flowers, and it turns out she’s allergic, so that set her off sneezin’. The restaurant lost our reservation and we had to wait nearly an hour until they could fit us in, then the fire alarm went off when we were halfway through our meal and the whole place had to be evacuated. We never even finished our first course; by the time it was declared a false alarm, the food had gone cold, so we paid and left.”

“They expected ya to pay even though your meal was ruined? That sucks.”

“It gets worse. I suggested goin’ for ice-cream, but when we got back to my car I had a flat. Spent the next half-hour changin’ the tire, got to the ice-cream parlour and it was closed.” Ted slumped into the chair at his desk with a sigh. “I drove Angie home after that. The whole evening was a nightmare; I’ve never been on a worse date in my life.”

“Sorry, man. Was she mad at ya?”

“No.” Ted looked bemused. “Despite everything going wrong, she thinks we should try again.”


“I know, I can’t believe it either. She just laughed and said fate must be testin’ us and we shouldn’t give up. We’re goin’ out again Friday.”

“Good for you! Sounds like she’s a keeper if goin’ on one of the worst dates in the history of datin’ hasn’t put her off.”

“Redheaded Irish Americans don’t give up easily.” Ted straightened his shoulders. “But I’ve learned my lesson, I’m not takin’ any chances. No flowers, I’ll buy her chocolates instead, double-check our reservation, and I’m gettin’ my car serviced. This time our date’s gonna go right.”

The End

fic, fake fic, ted o'neill, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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