Sanctuary Ficlet: Advantages

Oct 06, 2022 17:26

Title: Advantages
Fandom: Sanctuary
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Will Zimmerman, Henry Foss.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: In Will’s opinion, there are a lot of advantages to being in a relationship with Henry.
Word Count: 530
Written For: paian’s prompt ‘Sanctuary, Henry/Will, the monster in the bed,’ at fic_promptly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Sanctuary, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

Most of the time there’s nothing about Henry to indicate that he’s anything other than a regular human. Will knows there’s a whole lot more to him that that, but now Henry has control over his ability to change, his HAP side only comes out to play when he wants it to. There was a time when Henry hated what he is, dreaded the unpredictability, and the loss of control the change carried with it, but now he’s master of his own body in either form, he’s not merely made peace with what he is, he revels in it. So does Will, if the truth be told.

Changing still destroys whatever Henry happens to be wearing at the time, if he doesn’t have the luxury of undressing beforehand. There’s not always time for such considerations when the greater strength and resilience of his HAP form is required, but in Will’s opinion, that isn’t necessarily such a bad thing, except maybe in very cold conditions, because turning blue does no one any favours, not to mention the shrinkage aspect. Then again, it does give him the undeniable pleasure of warming Henry up again, so come to think of it maybe accidental nudity is a plus in any conditions. Not that Will has any intention of telling Henry that; he’ll just keep his opinions to himself. It’s more fun that way, and Henry would only become self-conscious if he knew.

In his earliest days with the Sanctuary, Will might have considered Henry a monster, just as Henry did at one time, trying to fight off his transformation with a cocktail of drugs, terrified of what he might become, of changing into something he wouldn’t recognise as himself. Now he’s embraced everything he is, the idea he could ever be considered monstrous seems ridiculous. There’s no doubt in either of their minds that Henry is still who he’s always been, just more so, although they do joke that Will has a monster IN his bed rather than under it.

That part of the equation that is them has its own advantages; Henry is beautiful, whether as HAP or human, if maybe a big too big for comfort in his HAP form, although there are ways around that for anyone with a shred of ingenuity. But because of what he is, Henry is stronger than the average guy and Will has found he likes that. A lot.

Neither of them takes the dominant role all the time, they switch back and forth as the mood takes them, but Will would be the first to admit there’s a certain appeal to being restrained, and although they’ve discussed safe words, he’s never had to use one. Henry is adept at gauging exactly where the line lies between just enough and too much. It’s like he has an instinct for it. Maybe, because of his HAP enhanced senses, he does.

Lying together late at night, both of them spent and enjoying the lassitude that comes after vigorous exercise, Will wonders why it took them so long to get together, but in the end it doesn’t really matter because what they have now was well worth waiting for.

The End

fic, fic_promptly, sanctuary, fic: one-shot, will zimmerman, ficlet, henry foss, fic: pg

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