FAKE Triple Drabble: A Long Climb

Oct 05, 2022 17:26

Title: A Long Climb
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: A couple of weeks after Vol. 4, Act 11.
Summary: The murder scene is several floors up, which wouldn’t normally be a problem.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Storey’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble and a half, 350 words.

“Why is it, practically every time we get a crime scene on one of the upper storeys of a buildin’, there’s either no elevator or it’s out of order?” Dee muttered, staring up the first flight of concrete steps.

At only ten storeys this was far from the tallest building in the city, and the crime scene itself wasn’t on the top floor, but they still had eight flights to climb, and Dee was currently the walking wounded.

The bullet wound through his thigh was mostly healed, the stitches had been removed almost two weeks ago and Dee was doing light physio exercises to strengthen the damaged muscles, but he still needed to use a cane to get about, and climbing eight long flights would put a lot of strain on his good leg.

“Maybe you should wait here,” Ryo suggested. “I can go up alone.”

“And what if the murderer’s still lurkin’ up there somewhere?” Dee glared at his partner. “Someone’s gotta watch your back, and I don’t see anyone else around.”

“I’ll be fine, there’ll be a couple of uniforms up there, keeping people from contaminating the scene.”

“Yeah, but it’s their job to keep people out. What’s the bettin’ nobody’s checked potential hidin’ places inside? Wouldn’t be the first time.” Dee was remembering another murder scene where the killer had been hiding in a closet, armed with a knife; Ryo would’ve been stabbed if he hadn’t reacted so quickly.

“I can take care of myself, Dee; I did last time.”

“I know, but I’m still goin’ with, even if it takes me an hour to get up there.”

“If you’re going to be stubborn, I’d better help you.” Ryo came up alongside his partner on his left. “Put your arm around me.”

Suddenly the thought of climbing all those stairs was a lot more appealing. Handing Ryo his cane, Dee draped his arm around his partner’s shoulders. “Thanks, bud.”

“We’ll take it slowly, one stair at a time. Let me know if you need to take a rest.”

Dee nodded. “Will do.” He was in no rush.

The End

ryo maclean, fic, fake fic, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fic: pg

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