Knight Rider Drabble: Progress

Sep 16, 2022 17:50

Title: Progress
Fandom: Knight Rider
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Bonnie Barstow, Kitt.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 32: Digital at drabblesoup.
Spoilers/Setting: Season 3 or 4.
Summary: Bonnie loves working in such an exciting field.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Airwolf, or the characters. They belong to Glen A. Larson.

Kitt’s systems were state of the art; the best and the most advanced money could buy. Wilton Knight had poured all his considerable resources into his remarkable creation; nothing could match it, but Bonnie knew that wouldn’t last.

Within a decade, every one of Kitt’s computer chips would be obsolete. Digital technology was still in its infancy, but it was growing up fast. It was exciting; Bonnie was at the cutting edge of something that would change the world, but it made her sad too, knowing Kitt would someday be replaced with a new, improved model. Progress never stood still.

The End

fic, knight rider, drabble, drabblesoup, fic: g

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