A-Team Double Drabble: Craziness Is Catching

Aug 29, 2022 18:22

Title: Craziness Is Catching
Fandom: A-Team (TV)
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Face, Murdock, B.A.
Rating: G
Challenge: 111: Imaginary Friends at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: Not sure, season one I think.
Summary: Face muses on Murdock’s craziness.
Disclaimer: I don’t own The A-Team, or the characters. They belong to their creators.
A/N: Double drabble.

Times like this, Face found himself wondering whether Murdock was genuinely out for lunch or whether he was just really good at acting insane. Every time he sprung the pilot from the VA hospital he’d be a different kind of crazy; sometimes it seemed as if he was trying on different varieties to see which he liked best. Or maybe he just kept getting bored and went looking for new ways to drive B.A. up the wall.

The latest one was Murdock’s pet dog, Billy, which nobody else could see. In Face’s opinion it was one of his friend’s milder detours from reality. Most people had an imaginary friend of some sort in childhood, and Murdock was like a big kid at the best of times, so why shouldn’t he have an invisible dog if it made him happy?

B.A was being cranky about it, but he was cranky about everything anyway. Sometimes it almost seemed like Murdock’s craziness was rubbing off on him too, the way he kept fussing over having a dog shedding in his beloved van. Like that would happen! Murdock assured them Billy was well groomed.

On second thoughts, maybe they were all a touch crazy!

The End

a-team, fic, drabble_weekly, faceman, b.a. baracus, murdock, drabble, fic: g

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